

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

ECB executive board

The European Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee has halted the appointment process for a new nominee to the executive board of the European Central Bank, after cross-party criticisms about the failure to consider any female candidates for the vacancy. Coordinators of the committee ...
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Press release |

Euro crisis/sovereign debt

Commenting on the announcement by the European Central Bank of its intention to reactivate a scheme to buy governments bonds from Eurozone members in economic difficulty (1), Greens/EFA economic and finance spokesperson Sven Giegold (MEP, Germany) said: “The ECB has been again forced to fill the v...
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Event |

How rosy or green is the future for European steel industry?

The future of steel industry is a crucial question in European industrial policy. Greens are convinced that a highly energy and resource efficiency industry will be an indispensable partner for the green industrial revolution that we pursue. Reconciling economic concerns with environmental ones, innovation needs with competition issues, e…
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News |

Video test page 29.09

Welcome to our blog on the nominations and hearings for the new European Commissioner candidates. You will find our group's opinion on and analysis of the nominees and their portfolios, with analysis, insight and comment after each hearing in the European Parliament, as well as links to the livestreams of the hearings themselves.
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News |

Video test page 02.10

Welcome to our blog on the nominations and hearings for the new European Commissioner candidates. You will find our group's opinion on and analysis of the nominees and their portfolios, with analysis, insight and comment after each hearing in the European Parliament, as well as links to the livestreams of the hearings themselves.
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News |

Video test page 01.10

Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
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News |

Video test page 30.09

Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test
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Press release |

EU structural funds

The European Parliament's regional development committee today adopted its position on the reform of the EU's structural funds for the period beyond 2014. After vote, Green regional affairs spokesperson Elisabeth Schroedter said: "Today's vote is a missed opportunity for properly reforming and ...
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News |

Brussels agenda

Greens/EFA priorities for the week include rendition and illegal detention by CIA in EU countries, European patent, new energy saving rules, tackling climate-damaging car emissions, rights management in the digital age and implementing the European Citizens' Initiative
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Press release |

European Social Fund

The European Parliament's employment and social affairs committee voted on a mandate for negotiations with the Council on the European Social Fund from 2014 on. Commenting on the vote, Green MEP and vice-chair of the committee Elisabeth Schroedter stated:“The ESF should be focusing on fighting pov...