

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included trotecting migrants' lives in Mediterranean, reforming EU fisheries policy, deep sea fishing and destructive trawling, EU-Morocco fisheries and Western Sahara, the situation in Ukraine, repairing the emissions trading scheme, EU rules on mortgages, sexual and reproductive health an…
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "The European Parliament has today sent a clear signal to President Yanukovych. MEPs have called for the urgent convening of a round table at...
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Event |

From Maidan Square to the European Parliament

In the context of the crackdown against democratic pro-EU demonstrations in Ukraine, Greens/EFA organise a public hearing with Ukrainian representatives of the media, political and civic movements
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EFA President calls for Civilian Peace Corps

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans (Wales) has called for the establishment of a European Peace Corps. The President of the European Parliament's European Free Alliance Group, and Vice President of the Greens/EFA Group made the call in a key debate in the Strasbourg parliament today. MEPs were discussing&nb...
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Press release |

EU funds for peace and stability

The European Parliament today voted on a series of funds for the EU's external action policies over the coming 7 years (2014-20), including the Instrument for Stability and Peace (ISP), which is being shepherded through parliament by Green rapporteur/draftsman Reinhard Bütikofer. Commenting after t...
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News |

Warsaw Special

This year COP19 will be remembered as being the most corporate COP ever. The destructive role played by dirty corporations was criticised by a lot of participants. Environmentalists have criticised the important presence of big business and polluting industries, which clearly attempted to undermine and subvert effective and just climate a…
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement

MEPs from the European Parliament's European Free Alliance Group have condemned as 'shameful' an agreement on fishing rights reached between the EU and Morocco. MEPs approved the EU – Morocco Fisheries agreement at a vote in Strasbourg today. The controversy stems from the inclusion in the agreeme...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

The Situation in Mali

When: Tuesday 10 December at 16h00 Where: Press Room LOW N-1/201, European Parliament, Strasbourg MEPs François Alfonsi and Jean-Jacob Bicep, members of the Greens/EFA Group, both of whom have taken an active interest in the situation in Mali, will respond to the address of the President of Mali Ib...
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Press release |

EU-Morocco fisheries agreement/Western Sahara

The European Parliament today voted in favour of a new EU-Morocco fisheries agreement, two years after decisively rejecting an earlier version. The Greens criticised the vote and the agreement, which would give the EU the right to fish in Western Saharan waters despite the fact the government of Mor...
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Publication |

Sri Lanka

Tabled by Jean Lambert, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Barbara Lochbihler on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group The European Parliament, having regard to the European Parliament resolutions on the situation in Sri Lanka of 12 May 2011 and 22 October 2009 - having regard to the report o...