

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

What's coming up in Parliament

A look ahead to next week's session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and the Greens/EFA priority issues on the agenda
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Press release |

Greens/EFA group offers full support to LuxLeaks whistleblowers in fight for justice

“We are delighted that the court has overturned the verdict against Antoine Deltour. His brave action, and that of Raphael Halet who sadly lost his appeal today, was vital in bringing this tax scandal to public attention," said Greens/EFA transparency spokesperson Benedek Jávor.
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary week included the adoption of the recommendations after the tax scandal of the Panama Papers; the Green report on European Strategy for low emission transport; Poland and the Bialowieza forest; another Green report on new legislation to regulate EU vessels outside EU waters; the EU summit …
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Press release |

Now the EU must turn plans into action

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is calling on the European Commission and European Council to take immediate steps to turn the recommendations of the Panama Papers inquiry into action.
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Press release |

EU must impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia

The Greens/EFA group is calling on the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, to launch an initiative in the Foreign Affairs Council to impose an arms embargo against Saudi Arabia. The European Parliament will hold a debate this afternoon on the situation in Yemen, with a vot…
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Press release |

Diverting funding towards military capacity building would be a backwards step and incompatible with EU law

The European Parliament will today debate the outcome of trilogues on the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP). The Greens/EFA group has consistently argued against the reform of the regulation which aims at introducing a military capacity building program to the EU's only instrument for civilian conflict prevention.
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Event |

Making Globalisation work for the Sustainable Development Goals

Globalisation describes the advancement of the global integration of the economy, culture and political structures. At this panel, we want to discuss how globalisation can support the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals and what needs to be done in order to make that happen.
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Gérôme Bruneau
News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary week included: Paradise Papers - scandal shows need to implement PANA recommendations; Malta - Money-laundering scandals need to be investigated; Money Laundering legislation; Poland - parliament to vote on breach of EU values; Winter plan for asylum seekers - call for action plan; COP23: t…
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Event |

The Greens/EFA Co-Presidents' briefing

Greens/EFA co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts present the key issues of the plenary session and of the European agenda for the Greens/EFA group
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Images_of_Money | CC BY 2.0
Money Laundering
Press release |

No excuse for inaction on Paradise Papers

Greens/EFA president, Philippe Lamberts, and Green MEP and member of the EU Parliament’s Panama Papers committee, Molly Scott Cato, set out their agenda for change following the Paradise Papers.