

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included the EU budget 2013, the future financing 2014-2020, the rules on data retention, the issue of the single seat of the European Parliament, the EU economic governance, the decision on the Sakharov Prize winner...
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News |

Beyond the ceasefire in Syria

Since the beginning of the violence last spring, the situation in Syria has escalated and tens of thousands have lost their lives. The ongoing civil war in Syria is engulfing the region in a humanitarian catastrophe as the international community stands idly by. However the announcement to...
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Press release |

Russia - Magnitsky case

The European Parliament adopted a resolution yesterday evening calling on EU governments in Council to introduce sanctions against the Russian officials responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky. The Greens welcomed the vote, which was passed with an overwhelming majority, with Green MEP and vic...
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Event |

Co-Presidents' session briefing

During the Strasbourg Plenary session briefing, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit presented the key issues of the plenary session for the Greens/EFA group
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

MEPs speak out against ACAA

The EU should not upgrade relations with Israel whilst its government fails to make progress in building peace with the Palestinians. That was the view of a group of MEPs from the EFA Group in the European Parliament following a vote to approve a new trade agreement on pharmaceutical products. ...
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News |

EU should strengthen 'failed' Belarus sanctions

The persecution of opposition and civil society continues in Belarus, and EU member states should rise above national interests to sever the channels the Lukashenko regime uses to finance itself, writes Green MEP
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News |

Iran - death penalty

According to official reports, ten prisoners were executed by hanging in the early hours of Monday, 22 October, in Teheran. The executions were initially scheduled for 11 October - one day after the World Day against the Death Penalty - but postponed following international outcr...
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News |

Strasbourg Flash

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary include the EU budget 2013, the future financing 2014-2020, the rules on data retention, the issue of the single seat of the European Parliament, the EU economic governance, the decision on the Sakharov Prize winner...
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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of today's council of EU foreign ministers and their conclusions on Belarus, Green foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz said:"The failure by EU foreign ministers to expand sanctions in Belarus is a source of regret. Targeted sanctions against individual firms and...
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News |

Bail out countries hit by water privateers

The EU is supposed to take a neutral position on the issue of water privatisation, but the European Commission seems to have forgotten this.  As part of the Troika, it has been pushing for the large scale privatisation of public services in Greece and Portugal, including water utilities, as p...