

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Climate campaign newsletter

In this issue : EP gets a second chance to save Europe’s flagship climate policy; Cars/CO2: new targets short on ambition; Environment committee backs speed limit for new vans; Bonn: various possibilities, no concrete steps; Carbon dioxide levels reach symbolic threshold never seen in human history; Arctic Ocean 'acidifying rapidly' acco…
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News |

Plant it and make it grow

Most of the food we eat comes from seeds. Seed diversity is the basis of our food chain and our food security depends on it. Decreasing it impacts on the choice of the food we eat, and local fruits, vegetables and cereals can disappear from our fields and plates. Seeds are also humanity's oldest ...
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Press release |

Bee decline/neonicotinoid ban

Crucial proposals from the European Commission to suspend the use of neonicotinoid insecticides - due to their damaging impact on bee populations - were today upheld after a vote by EU member states. The outcome of the vote (1) in the Comitology Appeal Committee will enable the proposed suspension t...
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News |

GMO (In)Digest

EU Work: The Greens/EFA GMO campaign is now on twitter. Follow it @GMOFreeEU And of course you should also be following our other campaigns on twitter at: @greens_climate (climate campaign) @FoodRevEU (food campaign) Conference: How GMO-free labelling of food products can contribute to increase GMO-...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary week included emissions trading scheme, emissions from flights, airport ground handling, capping bank bonuses and increasing banking transparency, preventing dolphin by-catch, Hungary and democratic freedoms, the fall out from the Cyprus bail-out debacle, EU enlargement progress assessed, …
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Facebook terms and conditions unfair and not valid in Europe

A reply from the European Commission to a question submitted by an N-VA Member of the European Parliament shows that a lot of terms and conditions Facebook imposes on its European users are not valid in the European Union. MEP Mark Demesmaeker said: "Even more so, some of the conditions are ou...
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News |

Give Bees a Chance

On 16th January 2013, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published three reports on the toxicity risk to bees of 3 neonicotinoid pesticides: imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. EFSA's conclusions are clear: neonicotinoids pose a high risk to bees, either by the presence of these in...
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Press release |

Tobacco lobby and Dalligate

The majority of the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament today voted to reject a request by the Greens/EFA group to create a special committee in the European Parliament to assess the role of lobbying, notably tobacco lobbying, and create more transparent structures in the futu...
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News |

ACTA Zombie bites back

As European Commission (EC) pressure mounts on India to rush into signing a free trade agreement (FTA), activists from across Europe mobilised in Brussels today to demand that the EC withdraw provisions that will harm people’s access to medicines in India and across the developing world. Civil s...
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Press release |

Ship scrapping/recycling

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to revise EU legislation on the recycling of ships. The committee supported proposals by Green draftsperson Carl Schlyter to strengthen the proposed legislation, with a view to preventing the beaching of old ships in non-OECD countries. Com...