

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

50 reasons to reject ACTA

With the European Parliament set to decide on the fate of the controversial ACTA anti-counterfeiting agreement, Green MEPs set out the reasons why they believe the parliament should vote to withhold its consent and reject the agreement. With your help we have put together 50 reasons to reject ACTA. See the video and join the anti-ACTA…
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News |

50 reasons to reject ACTA

The vote of the European Parliament will be decisive for the future of ACTA. It has already been rejected by the Development, Civil Liberties, Legal Affairs, and Industry committees in the European Parliament, but the big votes are still to take place in the lead Trade committee and with the final P...
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Publication |

Sudan/South Sudan

The European Parliament, –   having regard to its previous resolutions on Sudan, –   having regard to the UN Security Council Resolution 2046 (2012) of 2 May 2012 on Sudan and Southern Sudan, –   having regard to the EU High Representative for Forei...
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Publication |

Guinea Bissau

The European Parliament, –   having regard to Rule 110(2) of its Rules of Procedure, A. deeply worried by the coup d’état, which took place on 12 April, interrupting the early presidential electoral process, following the death of the president; B.  whereas the can...
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Publication |

Democratic follow-up in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The European Parliament, –   having regard to the Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union, on the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of 9 December 2011 (A 507/1/11 REV 1), –   having regard to ...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU appeal for Kurdish activist Leyla Zana

MEPs, including some from the European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament, have called on the EU to intervene in the case of Kurdish activist Leyla Zana.Ms Zana, a human rights activist and member of the Turkish parliament, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment last week on a charge of...
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News |

Forever Putin?

The mass protests since the falsified Duma election last December have changed Russia. The country’s political system is more fragile than ever. The politics of the street appear exhausted.  With Vladimir Putin back in the President's chair for the first EU-Russia summit of his third term, Gr...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

ACTA rejection welcomed

SNP MEP Alyn Smith has today (Thursday) hailed a vote to reject the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in the European Parliament's Industry Committee (ITRE), of which he is the only Scots member.  The committee vote was for the adoption of a draft opinion by Alyn's group colleague Amel...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU urged to press for u-turn over 'barbarous' Mugabe

The European Union is being urged to put pressure on United Nations tourism chiefs to rethink their appointment of one of the world’s most brutal dictators as an international envoy. Scottish MEP Alyn Smith has written to EU Foreign Affairs High Representative Baroness Ashton asking her to formall...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary session included shifting the focus from austerity in the Euro crisis, bluefin tuna on the brink, balancing trade with China, rights and democracy in Ukraine, taxing financial transactions, equal pay for equal work, resource efficiency,...