

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |


The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, in particular that of 7 April 2011 on the situation in Syria, Bahrain and Yemen, – having regard to its resolution of 24 March 2011 on European Union relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council, - h...
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Publication |

Tibet, in particular the self-immolation by nuns and monks

The European Parliament, - having regard to its previous resolutions on China and Tibet, in particular its resolution of 25 November 2010, - having regard to article 36 of the Constitution of the PRC, which guarantees all citizens the right to freedom of religious belief, - having regard to Rule 1...
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News |

Stop Climate Change Blog

For some Durban will only be a step in the process of agreeing to a global climate treaty. Yet, it would be wrong to ignore the next COP as many decisions are still needed to steer us away from the worst impacts of the climate crisis...
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Press release |

Gaddafi death

Commenting on the reported death of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Green foreign policy spokesperson Franziska Brantner said: "Libya must now move on and begin a true process of reconciliation and rebuilding, leaving revenge behind. While it clearly would have been preferable if Gaddafi...
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Publication |

The first European Semester and its contribution to the EU2020 Strategy

The Commission doesn't care about the objectives it sets for itself. This is how we could summarise the study realised for the Greens on the European Semester. This study is the first of its kind to check through all the recommendations that the EU has addressed to the 27 member states and to analyse their coherence with regard to the per…
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News |

Weekly Round-up

Priorities for the Greens this week included the Green report on illegal fishing, the CAP reform, the preparation of the European Council, the debate on Schengen and Bulgaria/Romania, the situation in Ukraine and the debate on uprisings in Yemen and Bahrain.
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Romania and Bulgaria should get passport-free EU travel

Romania and Bulgaria have fulfilled all of the criteria and should be allowed to join the Schengen passport check-free area according to MEPs including Tatjana Ždanoka. Ms Ždanoka spoke in Wednesday's debate on the issue at the European Parliament in Brussels with representatives of the European C...
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Event |


We kindly invite you for a debate with guests from Russia on the background of corruption and consequences for modernisation. Join us in discussing political, economic and social strategies to tackle corruption in Russia. What is the role of the EU?
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Press release |


The European Commission today presented its enlargement package, including the recommendation to grant EU candidate status to Serbia on the "understanding that Serbia re-engages in the dialogue with Kosovo" and implements agreements already reached. Membership negotiations should not be st...
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Press release |


The European Commission today presented its progress report, assessing Turkey's progress towards EU accession. While the Greens share some of the concerns raised about media freedom, the Kurdish question and relations with Cyprus, there is a greater overriding concern with the standstill in EU-Turke...