

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

New EFA Group in the European Parliament

When: Tuesday 7 July 2009 at 14h30Where: European Parliament Press Briefing Room PHS 0A50  MEPs from the newly re-constituted European Free Alliance Group, which forms a common parliamentary group with the Greens, will give a press conference to present the new group and explain priorities for ...
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Press release |

Swedish EU Presidency - Commission President

The Greens/EFA Group has welcome the Swedish EU Presidency's announcement that there will be no European Parliament vote in July on a second mandate for Barroso as EU Commission President.
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Press release |

Swedish EU Presidency

Greens have warned the incoming Swedish Presidency that there is no European Parliament majority in favour of an early vote on Barroso's proposed second manadate as Commission President. Greens/EFA Co-Presidents have also demanded greater ambition in the EU strategy leading up to climate talks in Copenhagen.
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Press release |

Lisbon Treaty

The Greens/EFA Group have welcomed the German Constitutional Court's judgment dismissing constitutional objections to the Lisbon Treaty.
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Press release |

European Free Alliance Group

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has become First Vice President of the Green/European Free Alliance Group (EFA) in the European Parliament. Ms Evans was elected as President of EFA which has formed a joint group with the Greens since 1999 and automatically becomes the First Vice President of th...
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Press release |

EU Commission Presidency

The Greens/EFA Group has launched a campaign against Jose Manuel Barroso winning a second mandate as EU Commission President. Co-President Daniel Cohn-Bendit has stated that the EU Parliament should oppose any move to formally nominate Barroso before the summer.
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Publication |

2009 European elections results

Between 4 and 7 June, European citizens voted in order to elect the Members of the European Parliament. You will find here the Greens/EFA performance across Europe in these elections, from exit polls to provisional and definitive results.
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Press release |

EU budget 2008

Commenting on the first reading vote by the European Parliament on the budget for 2008 German Green and budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said: "Less than one year after the introduction of the new EU Financial Perspectives, it is already clear that this limited framework cannot adequat...
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Publication |

European Parliament two-seat operation

An independent study, commissioned by Green MEPs Caroline Lucas and Jean Lambert, reveals the climate impact of the EP's travelling circus (pdf).