

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Pesticide Action Week

As pesticide action week is set to begin, one may reflect on the fact that GMOs have been sold primarily as a way of reducing the use of pesticides. Shouldn't we then celebrate this way to reduce our pesticide addiction and embrace a great new agricultural technology? The first point to consider i...
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Event |

The New Hungarian Nuclear Investment, Paks

The building of the new Paks 2 nuclear power plant in Hungary, is not simply the matter of the country's own bad choice of energy mix, but the Hungarian Government's actions are in conflict not only with European principles and values in general, but most probably with European law as well.
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Cloning for farming purposes: Greens ask the Commission to come with better proposal EU seed marketing regulation fully withdrawn: The Greens say thank you to the seed savers community. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Food Community supported programmes in the spotlig...
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Press release |

EU summit

EU heads of state and government will meet for a summit on Thursday and Friday, with proposals for a European energy union and relations with Russia at the top of the agenda. Ahead of the summit, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "The energy union should be a f...
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Press release |

Services trade agreement (TISA)

The EU negotiating mandate for the negotiations on the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) was today published by the council of EU foreign ministers, two years after negotiations began (1). Commenting on the mandate, Green trade spokesperson and vice-president Ska Keller said: "While the belat...
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Publication |

Trade secrets can harm

The European Parliament is now discussing a draft proposal to establish a EU directive on trade secrets. A proper balance needs to be found to avoid abusive claims of improper use of trade secrets and overbroad protection.
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Press release |

UN climate talks

EU environment ministers today formally agreed to submit the EU's 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target of 40% to the UN climate change convention (UNFCCC). Commenting on the decision, Green spokesperson on the UN climate talks Yannick Jadot said: "EU environment ministers have today confirmed E...
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Press release |

Environmental Outlook

The European Environment Agency today released its five-yearly assessment of the state and outlook of the environment in Europe (1). Commenting on the outlook, Green environment policy spokesperson Benedek Javor said: “The EEA has today sounded a clear alarm bell about the state of the environme...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

Lignite mining in Lusatia - an environmental and cultural catastrophe

The ecological and social consequences of large scale lignite mining were the focus of a conference at the European parliament organised by the European Free Alliance, in conjunction with local campaigners from Lusatia in Eastern Germany. Lignite - also known as 'brown coal' - is a low grade form of...
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Press release |

Energy union

<xml> </xml> The European Commission today presented its proposal for a European energy union, which will be discussed by EU leaders at a summit next month. Commenting on the proposals, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes said: "The energy union should be a flagship project for...