

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Car pollution scandal

Commenting on the latest allegations in Germany that a new car manufacturer, Opel, may have also falsified pollutant emissions data, according to research by a Swiss institute (1), Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "This latest scandal underlines that this is a sector-wide problem ...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
News |

Transport, energy and biodiversity – EFA Group visit to Valencia

Transport, energy and biodiversity were the focus of a visit to Valencia by a delegation of MEPs from the European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament. The visit was organised and led by EFA's Valencian MEP Jordi Sebastià of Compromís. Compromís (or Commitment in English) is a pro...
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Publication |

Emission measurements in the automotive sector

Tabled by Bas Eickhout, Karima Delli, Benedek Jávor, Jean Lambert, Ernest Maragall, Jordi Sebastià, Molly Scott Cato, Keith Taylor, Claude Turmes on behalf of the Greens/EFA Group   The European Parliament, –  having regard to the question to the Commissio...
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Event |

A longer life-time for products

It seems we have to replace consumer products more and more frequently. Often it is cheaper and easier for consumers to buy a new product than to repair it or replace parts. There is little incentive to prolong the life of a product through repair, nor to re-use or recycle it. It is ever more apparent that resources are becoming scarcer a…
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Event |

Transport policy and climate agenda (COP 21)

This conference will deal with the impact of the different means of transport on our climate. What are the lessons to be learned on testing emissions from cars ? Do we still underestimate the impact of the air sector on the atmosphere and greenhouse gas emissions?
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Organic farming rules: MEPs vote to boost sustainability and credibility of organic farming GMOs: A serious reform of the authorisation procedure is urgently needed FOOD FOR THOUGHT The noose is tightening around Endocrine disruptors: time for the European Commissi...
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Video |

Towards a new international climate agreement in Paris

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Press release |

UN climate change talks

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution, setting out its position on the UN climate change negotiations ahead of the forthcoming UN climate summit in Paris (COP21). Commenting after the vote, Green MEP Benedek Javor said: "The European Parliament has today underlined the need for the...
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News |

COP21 - The EU cannot afford to fail a second time

Tomorrow, the European Parliament is to debate and vote on a report on the international climate agreement that is to be sealed in Paris at the COP21 in December. While the mood has changed since the last key summit that took place in Copenhagen 6 years ago, the EU cannot afford to miss the boat on another key event within its borders
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Press release |

Organic farming rules

The European Parliament's agriculture committee today voted on draft new EU rules on organic farming. The vote sets out parliament's position and paves the way for trilogue negotiations with EU governments, with a view to finalising the legislation. Commenting after the vote, Green agriculture spoke...