

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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sun shining through clouds
27736.climate effect
Press release |

European Parliament calls for more climate spending

The European Parliament voted for the new EU budget from 2021, which is better suited to tackling the climate change with taxes on plastics, emissions trading and tech companies. In the interim report on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2021-2027 and on the reform of EU's revenue ("own resources"), the Parliament …
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Creative Commons CC0
Trucks on highway
Press release |

Driving down emissions from trucks

The European Parliament voted in favour of Greens/EFA rapporteur Bas Eickhout's proposed changes to the European Commission's regulation on "CO2 emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles", which would see substantial reductions in CO2 emissions from trucks and heavy goods vehicles.
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Event |

The Greens/EFA Co-Presidents' briefing

Greens/EFA co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts present the key issues of the plenary session and of the European agenda for the Greens/EFA group
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(73) "files/assets/imgs/list/21861_safe_and_secure_energy_in_europe_helsink.jpg" ["title"]=> string(46) "21861 safe and secure energy in europe helsink" ["copyright"]=> string(17) "© Eva Serrabassa" ["updated_at"]=> int(1542113268) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "578c94d9835303d85acf4c5cc61c2f71.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7904/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(50) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7904/list" ["photo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7904/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7904/portrait" } ["alt"]=> string(46) "21861 safe and secure energy in europe helsink" }
© Eva Serrabassa
21861 safe and secure energy in europe helsink
Press release |

Strong basis for the future of renewable energy and greater energy efficiency

Members of the European Parliament voted on the final Energy Package for more renewable energy, greater energy efficiency and a legally binding roadmap to the Paris climate targets.
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Pgiam istock
Video |

Pesticides found in hair samples

We tested people's hair and the majority of participants from 6 EU countries had pesticides in it! Share to tell the EU that pesticides don't belong in our bodies and we need to be stricter on pesticide rules!
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(66) "files/assets/imgs/list/2048px-european_parliament__plenar_hall.jpg" ["title"]=> string(9) "hemicycle" ["alt"]=> string(9) "hemicycle" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1541767975) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "9bd4bb44a65efd14338821f5ad7fec5d.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(43) "2048px-European_Parliament,_Plenar_hall.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7897/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(50) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7897/list" ["photo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7897/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7897/portrait" } } hemicycle
News |

What's coming up in Parliament

A look ahead to the November plenary session in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and the Greens/EFA priority issues on the agenda
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(51) "files/assets/imgs/list/microscope____jan_rysavy.jpg" ["title"]=> string(24) "microscope © Jan Rysavy" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1541594535) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "9db7d168518b81418cd724aa9b021f59.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7883/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(50) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7883/list" ["photo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7883/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7883/portrait" } ["alt"]=> string(24) "microscope © Jan Rysavy" } microscope © Jan Rysavy
Publication |

Pesticides found in hair samples

The Greens/EFA set up a campaign to measure human exposure for a selection of 30 pesticides, reported as endocrine disruptors, among the EU population. The analyses detects toxic pesticides such as fipronil but also chlorpyrifos. Read more
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(37) "files/assets/imgs/list/pesticides.jpg" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pesticides" ["copyright"]=> string(17) "@Erich Westendarp" ["updated_at"]=> int(1541591566) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "8714237eedb9c49919e30a74cd5a979f.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7882/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(50) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7882/list" ["photo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7882/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7882/portrait" } ["alt"]=> string(10) "Pesticides" }
@Erich Westendarp
Press release |

Our hair, testimony of our overall exposure to pesticide residues

Environmentalists in the European Parliament are launching a campaign on pesticide contamination. They used an independent institute that performed capillary tests for 30 pesticides reported as endocrine disruptors. Results: The laboratory detected one or more of these 30 pesticides for two thirds of the samples.
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Gérôme Bruneau
News |

Greens/EFA Debriefing

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary week included COP 24 – Climate; COP 14 - Convention on Biological Diversity; Reducing plastic pollution; The use of Facebook users’ data by Cambridge Analytica and the impact on data; Charging of heavy goods vehicles; Use of antibiotics in farming; Drinking water directive and open letter; …
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(35) "files/assets/imgs/list/medicine.jpg" ["title"]=> string(8) "medicine" ["copyright"]=> string(16) "©freestocks-org" ["updated_at"]=> int(1540465571) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "54d0acf7c2fefe9ff2fc1013145b2610.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7862/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(50) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7862/list" ["photo"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7862/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/7862/portrait" } ["alt"]=> string(8) "medicine" }
Press release |

A major step forward in the fight against antibiotic resistance

The European Parliament adopted a new legislative framework for veterinary medicinal products and medicated feed, which are a step forward in preventing the rise in antibiotic resistance.