

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Commission proposal to label gas & nuclear as sustainable tantamount to greenwashing

The European Commission published its final draft of the Delegated Act to the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which seeks to list gas and nuclear projects as potential sustainable investments. The Delegated Act is supposed to classify which financial investments may be labelled as sustainable. The Greens/EFA Group strongly objects to the inclusio…
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(40) "files/assets/imgs/list/taxonomy_demo.jpg" ["title"]=> string(43) "Young climate activists protesting taxonomy" ["alt"]=> string(43) "Young climate activists protesting taxonomy" ["copyright"]=> string(15) "GreensEFA Group" ["updated_at"]=> int(1642591975) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "1f4c5c78687549f2c8927dd97b0d853b.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(17) "taxonomy_demo.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10639/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10639/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10639/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10639/portrait" } }
GreensEFA Group
Young climate activists protesting taxonomy
Opinion |

Climate activists: The EU Taxonomy is a financial and environmental threat to younger generations and we will not accept it

Late last year, the Commission published a draft for a new law on sustainable investments and quietly tried to include gas and nuclear power. Sneaking dirty energy onto a list of sustainable investments is the worst kind of greenwashing. We told the EU Commission that we do not want their dirty present.
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the climate crisis is here video thumbnail
Video |

The climate crisis is here - Part 2: Domi and Michael

The climate crisis and its devastating effects are now everywhere and undeniable. But it's the communities least responsible, that are most affected by climate change. These are just a few stories from the front-line of humanity's greatest threat. Listen to climate activists Domi from the United Kingdom and Michael from Germany.
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Wind Turbines on snowy hills
Event |

Ask us anything (on climate)

Tuesday 14 December is going to be a big day for climate in the EU: On this day the European Commission will publish a big chuck of legislative proposals on Fit for 55, the European climate package. Our MEPs Jutta Paulus, Marie Toussant & Bas Eickhout are ready for your questions.
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CC Heine Christiansen
Bee Red Flower
Policy Paper |

EU nature restoration law

The biodiversity crisis is upon us. One million species are threatened with extinction and the vast majority will be affected within the current human generation. A global target for the restoration of degraded ecosystems is envisaged to be adopted at the COP15 international conference on biodiversity in Kunming in 2022. To achieve the in…
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© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament
News |

Debriefing of the November plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 2022 budgetary procedure, the outcome of the COP26 in Glasgow, the critical materials INI report, taxonomy, condemning Police Violence against Romani people, the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Belarus debate and address by Sviatlana Tsikhanousk…
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash 22-26 November 2021

During this plenary session, the European Parliament will debate the Common Agricultural Policy, the EU budget for 2022, the outcome of COP26, a European strategy for critical raw materials, ...
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Press release |

Commission proposal welcome but more needed to protect ecosystems & human rights

The Commission published its legislative proposal on reducing the risks of deforestation and forest degradation associated with all products on the EU market. The proposal is part of the package on soil, waste shipment and deforestation and it will require companies to ensure that their products sold in the EU do not come from areas where…
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Opinion |

New EU deforestation law could fail to protect our precious ecosystems

Anna Cavazzini Rosa D’Amato Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg Heidi Hautala Tilly Metz Ville Niinistö Grace O'Sullivan Marie Toussaint
Opinion by Anna Cavazzini & Rosa D’Amato & Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg & Heidi Hautala & Tilly Metz & Ville Niinistö & Grace O'Sullivan & Marie Toussaint
The Commission just adopted a proposal to stop deforestation. But this new deforestation law is all bark and no bite. It continues to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide, and EU products continue to be complicit in environmental destruction.
array(8) { ["url"]=> string(51) "files/assets/imgs/list/51515298740_410e638ee5_k.jpg" ["title"]=> string(21) "Womens Climate Strike" ["alt"]=> string(21) "Womens Climate Strike" ["copyright"]=> string(31) "Alisdare Hickson (CC BY-NC 2.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1636449799) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "9beda41b18eadecbbcfe0abb400f1668.jpg" ["fname"]=> string(28) "51515298740_410e638ee5_k.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10453/jumbo" ["list"]=> string(51) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10453/list" ["photo"]=> string(52) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10453/photo" ["portrait"]=> string(55) "https://extranet.greens-efa.eu/api/image/10453/portrait" } }
Alisdare Hickson (CC BY-NC 2.0)
Womens Climate Strike
Opinion |

Gender and COP26: Why the climate summit should be on every feminist’s agenda

Alice Bah Kuhnke
Opinion by Alice Bah Kuhnke
Gender justice cannot be sidelined when debating the future of our planet. It’s time for governments and institutions to take note, and put gender equality at the heart of any viable strategies on climate and ecology.