

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Publication |

The true costs of automobility

Car use creates benefits for the users. Naturally there are also costs for car mobility: obvious costs but also less obvious ones, such as costs arising from noise and pollution. The study commissioned by the Greens/EFA estimates the magnitude of these hidden costs of car mobility and the ways in which these costs are currently being fin…
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Event |

A fair deal for cars

Car use is an important part of daily life in the EU and it clearly creates huge benefits for the users. Naturally there are also costs for car mobility: obvious costs but also less obvious ones, such as costs arising from noise and pollution. We have therefore commissioned a study estimating the magnitude of these hidden costs of car mo…
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News |

Let's be consistent, let's end fossil fuels subsidies!

A recent analysis made by Oil change International revealed that rich countries spend five times more on fossil-fuel subsidies than on aid to help developing nations cut their emissions and protect against the effects of climate change...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round-up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg Plenary included the reports on the EU's economic and monetary union, rules for marketing agricultural products, shale gas, enforcing EU law, future EU budget, vote on new EU commission candidate, situation in Gaza, UN climate talks and the EU position, banning shark finning, the external dimension…
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News |

Astroturfing in the EP

This week's plenary session in Strasbourg came to and end with questions hanging over the presence of the shale gas industry outside where MEPs vote. Posing as civil society before crucial votes took place on fracking Wednesday, this dishonest industry lobbying was in stark contrast to the real gras...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

EU Fracking Vote

SNP Member of the European Parliament's Energy Committee Alyn Smith has today (Wednesday) expressed his concerns on two votes in the European Parliament which seek to regulate the controversial practice of 'fracking', despite the fact that the EU has no direct competence over energy policy. He has w...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Plaid MEP backs moratorium on 'fracking'

Plaid MEP and party President Jill Evans called for a moratorium on the controversial process known as 'fracking' for shale gas. Ms Evans joined forces with other MEPs in a cross party bid to halt the practice. 'Fracking' or hydraulic fracturing is a process where companies drill underground, i...
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Press release |

Shale gas and fracking

The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its opinion on shale gas, notably as regards the health and environment concerns and need for EU regulation (1). The Greens welcomed the Sonik report, which calls for caution, notably a ban in sensitive areas, and underlined the need for tou...
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Event |

Co-Presidents' session briefing

During the Strasbourg Plenary session briefing, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit present the key issues of the plenary session for the Greens/EFA group
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Video |

Shale gas: A health and environmental risk