

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Language diversity side-lined in new EU Commission

The new European Commission is at risk of ignoring the importance of language diversity in Europe, according to Plaid Cymru – the Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans, a member of the European Free Alliance (EFA) Group of MEPs. The Welsh MEP has criticised the decision not to appoint a dedicated EU Commi...
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Event |

EU commission appointment - problematic candidates and a problematic structure

A number of question marks hang over some of the commissioners-designate as regards their suitability for their posts. Some of the most controversial candidates will face their hearings on Wednesday, including Lord Hill and Miguel Arias Cañete. The Greens/EFA group believes that the choice of these candidates is problemtatic as regards th…
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Green New Deal
Green New Deal
News |

Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is the Greens' comprehensive response to the current economic, social and environmental crises. It aims to ensure prosperity and well-being for all, across the planet and generations, based on reducing inequalities within and between societies, and reconciling our lifestyles - the way we live, produce and consume - with…
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News |

Financial and banking policy under Team Juncker

So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? I am fairly shocked by the proposal made by Juncker. He came to our group meeting and we questioned him in good faith. He was clearly not informed about key issues of concern to us - fisheries stands out as an area he treated wi...
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Video |

Structural shortage of payments in Horizon 2020 budget

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News |

Climate and energy policy under Team Juncker

So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? I am not particularly happy with the proposal from Jean-Claude Juncker. The structure he has proposed for the new Commission appears to be based on promoting an outdated approach of economic growth at the cost of the environmen...
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Video |

Preparation of the Eurozone summit

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Video |

We are on the move! And you?

This Sunday 21st September, all around the world, citizens will come together to call governments across the globe to take their responsibility and take real action to protect the planet. In many parts of the globe, citizens are calling for a real energy transition to renewable energy sources as well as a real ecological transformation of…
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News |

Team Juncker and employment and social policy

  So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? Overall, no. It is certainly not the "greenest Commission ever" and I think that some of the nominations defy logic. I am also not convinced that the restructuring of the Commission will mean better decision-ma...
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Press release |

Future EU commissioners

The Greens have expressed concern at the lack of female candidates nominated by EU member states for commissioner posts in the next European Commission (1). Commenting on the situation, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: “The dearth of female candidates nominated ...