

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

European Commission says "sorry, but no" to European Parliament's call for stronger rights for citizens

As we reported back in October 2015, the European Parliament has called on the European Commission  to improve the European Citizens' Initiative whose dismal success rate in its first three years has  clearly demonstrated that urgent changes need to be made if we want citizens to keep thei...
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Press release |

EU summit

Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts will be attending the European Council on 17/18 March. Philippe will be arriving at the summit at 16.15 and will be available for interviews and questions in the press area. Ahead of the summit, Greens/EFA co-president Philippe Lamberts said: "EU leader...
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included EU summit on the refugee crisis and Schengen, the possible re-approval of glyphosate, the report on tackling fraud with EU funds, women refugees and asylum seekers in focus on Women's Day, the controversial EU deal with tobacco industry, the report on children's rights in criminal …
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Press release |

Legal rights

New EU rules setting out safeguards for children suspected or accused in criminal proceedings were adopted by the European Parliament today. Commenting after the vote, Green civil liberties spokesperson Jean Lambert said: "This new EU legislation is a welcome step forward in ensuring children a...
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EFA logo
EFA logo
Press release |

Otegi - Spanish government must change course in search of peace

Responding to the release from prison of Basque political figure Arnaldo Otegi, and the implications for building a lasting peace in the Basque Country, politicians from the European Free Alliance have called on the Spanish government to revise its approach to Basque political prisoners. They have a...
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Press release |

ISDS/EU-Canada trade agreement

The European Commission today published its final proposals on an EU-Canada free trade agreement (CETA). Concerning the controversial investor-state dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS), the relevant chapter of the European Commission’s CETA proposal mirrors the proposals on ISDS made for the draft...
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Press release |

EU-US data protection

The European Commission today formally presented a new legal framework for the transfer of the private data of EU citizens to the US. The new 'Privacy Shield' framework is supposed to replace the Safe Harbour decision, which was deemed illegal by the European Court of Justice. Commenting on the Comm...
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Publication |

The Green Alternative to the Dublin System

This paper aims to outline our vision for a Green alternative to the Dublin system. The Dublin system has been dysfunctional for years at great human and financial cost. It has effectively collapsed in the context of the current 'refugee crisis'.
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News |

EU Transparency

Access to documents is a fundamental right in the European Union and is an important tool for citizens, journalists and civil society organisations to be able to seek and receive information from the EU institutions and to challenge excessive secrecy in the decision-making process. Greens/EFA MEP He...
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Press release |

EU-US data protection/Safe Harbour

The European Commission today announced the proposal of a new legal framework for the transfer of the private data of EU citizens to the US. The new framework is supposed to replace the Safe Harbour decision, which was deemed illegal by the European Court of Justice. Commenting on the Commission's p...