

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

UK Government taken to court over data protection

Scottish Nationalist MEP Ian Hudghton has urged the ConDem government in London to 'get it's act together' on data protection. The call came as it emerged that the European Commission is to refer the UK to the European Court of Justice over its apparent failure to comply with EU data protection rule...
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Press release |

Pakistan readmission agreement

The European Parliament today approved an EU 'readmission agreement' with Pakistan, providing for the return of Pakistani citizens from EU member states to Pakistan. The Greens opposed the agreement and raised their concerns about EU readmission agreements in general, which ignore whether the receiv...
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Press release |

Passenger data (PNR)

The European Commission today presented its 'PNR Package' setting out its policy on the exchange of passenger name records with third countries and agreements with the US, Australia and Canada. The Greens criticised the proposals, with German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht responding: "Today's ...
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Press release |

MEPs statement on ETA announcement

A group of Members of the European Parliament have released a statement calling for the European Union and the Spanish and French governments to seize the historic opportunities presented by ETA's recent announcement of a cessation to armed activity.Several MEPs set up the Basque Friendship Group in...
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Press release |

Roma expulsions

EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding today criticised the ongoing expulsion of Roma people by the French authorities, the first time the European Commission has explicitly criticised France. The Commissioner also raised the threat of legal action against France. Reacting to the Commission's shift ...
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Press release |

Roma expulsions

Le Parlement européen vient d'adopter une résolution demandant que cessent immédiatement les reconduites de centaines de Roms de la France vers la Bulgarie et la Roumanie. Le Groupe des Verts/ALE a défendu cette position avec vigueur et se réjouit qu'une majorité de eurodéputés ait soutenu cette position.
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The European Parliament today sent a strong signal of support to Roma communities and a clear message to governments, adopting a resolution demanding an immediate end to the deportations of hundreds of Roma from France to Bulgaria and Romania. (337 in favour, 245 against.51 abstentions). Greens / EFA members campaigned vigorously on this …
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Press release |

ACTA – anti-counterfeiting deal

The European Commission today briefed MEPs on the current situation in the negotiations on an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) at a debate in the European Parliament plenary session. In the context of the debate, German Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht said: "Pressure from the European ...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Roma expulsions

The European Parliament today debated the current Roma expulsions in France and the targeting of Roma elsewhere (1) with the European Commission. Green MEPs were critical of the European Commission's response to the situation. French Green MEP Hélène Flautre said: "The scandalous situation in...
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Video |

Situation of the Roma people in Europe