

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Public health / endocrine disrupters

The WHO/UNEP consider endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) a global threat that needs to be resolved. EDCs are present in a large range of commonly-used products such as pesticides and biocides, food contact materials, PVC flooring and cosmetics. EDCs have been linked to various severe hu...
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News |

Fighting fraud and corruption across the EU

Benedek Jávor, a Green MEP that has been championing the fight against corruption in the EU institutions on behalf of the Greens/EFA group, explains how the EU institutions can and should work hard to end corruption, fraud and misspending.Q: So, what are you trying to achieve? What happened today?I...
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Press release |

Trade secrets

A legislative agreement on new EU rules on the protection of trade secrets was today endorsed by the European Parliament's Legal Affairs committee. The Greens have expressed concern with the law, with Greens/EFA MEP Julia Reda, commenting after the vote: “These new rules on 'trade s...
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Press release |

Car industry regulation

The European Commission today presented legislative proposals aimed at strengthening the system for approving road vehicles for use in Europe. The Greens welcomed the proposals, which would address some of problems with the current national-based 'type approval framework', but cautioned that...
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Event |

Environmental Justice in Turkey

The Turkish government has invested in several construction projects which violate environmental legislation and will have devastating effects on the eco-system. In order to raise awareness about the environmental effects of these projects and to advocate for greater compliance with EU environmental legislation, a mixed delegation of Tur…
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News |

#Dieselgate and the car lobby

  Since the VW scandal started to unravel, the extent to which EU governments and regulators have either looked the other way or actively participated in dirty (air) decisions is one of the main questions the new European Parliament inquiry committee on "Dieselgate" will have to addre...
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Publication |

EU NOx emissions - how the automotive industry shaped policy

The subject of this report is to thoroughly map out the activities and positions of the key participants in the EU NOx policy process over the last decade and in the wake of the Volkswagen scandal to show in an objective fashion how the original, public health motivated intent of the EU system on NOx policy was captured to suit the econom…
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Food campaign - The Greens/EFA in the EP
Join the food revolution
News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

On 20th January, the European Parliament, following the initiative by Greens/EFA MEP Keith Taylor, voted to reject draft EU rules on baby food, which would have allowed baby foods to contain far higher levels of sugar than those recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
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News |

Greens/EFA Round up

Greens/EFA priorities for the Strasbourg plenary included car pollution laws and real driving emissions tests, Poland and the rule of law, presumption of innocence in criminal trials, sugar in baby food, EU-Kosovo, Denmark's new refugee law ...
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Press release |

Car pollution scandal

  The European Parliament today voted to approve the composition of the new parliamentary inquiry committee, set up to investigate the car pollution scandal. The 45 member committee will include 3 Green members: Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms (DE), Bas Eickhout (NL) and Karima Delli (...