

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Press release |

Russia's war against Ukraine: Greens/EFA applaud Commission's proposed oil embargo

During a debate in the European Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen proposed to impose an oil embargo against Russia. Greens/EFA have been urging for such an embargo as an essential step in countering Russia’s war of aggression. At the same time, an energy embargo must be accompanied by social measures to balance out the impact of rising en…
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash - 2-5 May 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: the impact of the war against Ukraine on women, the use of the Pegasus Software by EU Member States against individuals including MEPs and the violation of fundamental rights, the final report by Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age/AIDA, 2020 discharge reports, electoral law…
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Policy Paper |

Inflation: the high price to pay for Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels

In the run-up to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, rising prices in the euro area were catalyzing a great amount of political attention. Inflation peaked to 5.1% in January and 5.9% in February, putting the European Central Bank (ECB) under the spotlight. Hawkish voices in the political arena, despite being the minority, got progressively loud…
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© European Union 2019 - Source : EP
European Parliament Building Strasbourg
News |

Debriefing of the April plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included Council and Commission statements on the IPCC report and on EU Protection of children and young people fleeing the war against Ukraine, conclusions of the European Council meeting of 24-25 March 2022, including the latest developments of the war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions again…
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Study |

Reducing the true cost of cotton T-shirts

Clothes are a basic human necessity but also a popular form of individual expression. However, the garment industry is also associated with negative impacts on people and the planet. Through this report, the Greens/EFA want to raise awareness, impose high environmental standards, and improve labour conditions in the value chains of the ga…
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Photo by sippakorn yamkasikorn on Unsp
Forest fires
Press release |

New IPCC climate report: EU can & must accelerate climate action

The IPCC panel presented the third part of its Sixth Assessment Report, focusing on whether and how we can still prevent dangerous climate change and giving recommendations on mitigation measures. The scientists analyse the progress made worldwide and outline technological and social solutions.
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash - 4 - 7 April 2022

On the agenda for the plenary session: EU protection of children and young people fleeing the war against Ukraine, Council and Commission statements on the 6th IPCC report, vote on pay transparency, ongoing hearings under Article 7(1) TEU regarding Poland and Hungary, the situation of women in Afghanistan, the right to repair, TEN-E rules…
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Traffic light sign underwater CCO kelly-sikkema
Traffic light sign underwater CCO kelly-sikkema
Opinion |

Understanding the latest IPCC report: How will the climate crisis affect you?

It went unnoticed, but the facts in the latest IPCC climate change report are chilling and can't be ignored. It’s time to face them together.
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Press release |

EU Heads of State and Government Summit 24-25 March and Plenary Debate

The Greens/EFA stand by Ukraine, this war is Putin's war. The Greens/EFA welcome the EU’s unity in response to Putin's war of aggression. The consequences of the energy dependence of many EU states on Russia show once again that energy policy is security policy. We call on the EU heads of state and government to make energy policy part of…
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Press release |

Greens/EFA call for EU energy efficiency and renewable energy strategy

The European Commission published proposals on gas storage and gas prices. For the Greens/EFA, the Commission's proposals for mandatory filling of gas storage facilities can only be a short-term, interim solution. They call on the Commission to present an emergency plan for the energy transition. Energy efficiency must come first.