

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Video |

Balanced information?

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Video |

Hungarian media law

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Press release |

EU asylum rules

The European Court of Human Rights today delivered its long-awaited judgment in the case of an Afghan national who was expelled to Greece (from Belgium) under the 'Dublin II' regulation. Sitting as a 'Grand Chamber', the court found that the expulsion in this case was a manifest breach of the Europe...
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Press release |

Homosexual rights in Lithuania

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution expressing its concern at proposed legal provisions in Lithuania, which would introduce fines for the 'promotion' of homosexuality (1). The Greens have criticised the proposals and welcome the strong message sent by the EP calling on Lithuania ...
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Press release |

Hungarian media law

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban today faced criticism from MEPs during a European Parliament debate over the controversial media law passed in Hungary last month. The Greens have led criticism of the law, which would restrict media pluralism, in conflict with EU law, and is part of wider d...
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Publication |

Situation in Belarus

The Greens/EFA call on the Council, the Commission and the EU High Representative to review EU policy towards Belarus; underline that the orientation of the ENP and national assistance for Belarus should be redirected in order to ensure the isolation of the regime and at the same time the appropriate enhanced support for the civil society
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Press release |

Hungary media law

The Hungarian parliament passed a controversial media law yesterday that will expand the state’s power to monitor and penalise private media and journalists if coverage is deemed unbalanced. The Greens, who have previously expressed concern about the draft law, have called on the EU Commission and...
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Press release |

Human trafficking

The European Parliament today voted to adopt a legislative compromise, setting out new EU rules on the prevention of human trafficking and victim rights. The Greens welcomed the compromise but regretted the legislation was not stronger in terms of victim protection. After the vote, Green MEP and civ...
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Event |

Labour Migration as a challenge for Europe

This conference will gather politicians and stakeholders from across Europe to discuss the challenge of labour migration. It will address the legal aspects and migrants' rights, as well as social cohesion.
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Press release |

European Citizens' Initiative