

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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Crowd of people Europe flag / CC0 Nico Roicke
Crowd of people Europe flag / CC0 Nico Roicke
Event |

Speak up! Civil society meets Greens/EFA

Got an idea about how to move the EU in a more green, just and social direction? We want to hear from you! Register for our Civil Society Day to share your key priorities, strategic initiatives and policy proposals.
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Press release |

Loss for rule of law with Polish RRP plan approved

European Ministers of Finance signed off on the Polish government’s Recovery and Resilience Plan as part of Next Generation EU. This is despite serious concerns about the implementation of reforms linked to restoring the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law.
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© European Union 2017 - Source : EP
European Parliament
News |

Debriefing of the June plenary session

Greens/EFA priorities for the plenary week included the Fit for 55 package, the rule of law, forced labour, abortion rights in the US, common chargers, minimum wage, women on boards and the Convention to change EU Treaties.
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End Mass Surveillance video thumbnail
End Mass Surveillance video thumbnail
Video |

New tools of oppression? Here's why Italy banned mass surveillance

What is biometric mass surveillance? Why is it so dangerous? And what can we do to ban the use of our biometric data to protect our privacy?
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Press release |

Frontex: EU Parliament refuses 2020 Frontex budget discharge

The European Parliament refused the 2020 budget discharge for the European border management agency Frontex, and postponed the vote. Fabrice Leggeri resigned from his post as director of the agency following the revelation of various scandals, including Frontex's support for illegal pushbacks. The Greens/EFA Group welcomes the EU Parliame…
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Rule of law under threat video thumbnail
Video |

Rule of law under threat: why we should care about Hungary and Poland

You often hear that the rule of law is under threat in Europe. But what does it mean and why should we care?
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Press release |

Pegasus: Greens/EFA demand immediate clarification of the spying scandal

Members of the European Parliament will debate the latest Pegasus revelations. Last week it was revealed that Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was one of the targets of espionage. In April, it became known that Greens/EFA group members Diana Riba i Giner and Jordi Solé had also been spied on through the use of the Pegasus software. At…
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Press release |

Rule of law: MEPs urge Council to take action on rule of law through Article 7

Today, on the initiative of the Greens/EFA Group, MEPs will debate the ongoing proceedings under Article 7(1) against the Hungarian and Polish governments. The Greens/EFA Group are calling on the Council to come out with recommendations for the Hungarian and Polish governments on how to reestablish the rule of law in both countries.
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Alexis Haulot © European Union 2022 - Source EP
Saskia Bricmont MEP showing her passport
Press release |

Role of Russian money in the EU shows urgent need to regulate & phase out golden visa & passport schemes

MEPs will vote to call for a phase out of the sale of European passports and regulation of golden visas. Golden passport and visa schemes are citizenship and residence by investment programmes that have been used by several Member States over the last few years, including Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal.
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European Union
Hemicycle European Parliament Strasbourg
News |

Plenary Flash 7 - 10 March 2022

On the agenda of the plenary : the EU's role in a changing world and the security situation of Europe following the Russian aggression and invasion on Ukraine, the deterioration of the situation of refugees as a consequence of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the report on foreign interference in all democratic processes in the Eur…