

Press Releases, Opinions, Publications, Events and Videos

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News |

Food Waste Plan Dumped

This weekend a Belgian umbrella organisation of NGO's called 11.11.11 launched their campaign "Sorry is not enough" with the aim to call on the general public to put pressure on policy makers to act strongly against food waste.  Green MEP Bart  Staes: "Saying sorry will su...
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News |

Fisheries and nature under Team Juncker

So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? I am worried about the direction the new Commission seems to be taking. My overall impression is that there is a clear risk that both environmental and fisheries policy is demoted and that Jean-Claude Juncker is putting more emp...
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News |

Any hope for sustainable and safe food policy with new proposed EU commissioner?

Jean-Claude Juncker proposed Vytenis Andriukatis as commissioner for Health and Food safety. Despite some promising elements in Andriukatis' mission letter, for example on energy efficiency and public investment, overall we may doubt about any positive influence on our health, nor food safety as Juncker is clearly in favour of the current…
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News |

Climate and energy policy under Team Juncker

So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? I am not particularly happy with the proposal from Jean-Claude Juncker. The structure he has proposed for the new Commission appears to be based on promoting an outdated approach of economic growth at the cost of the environmen...
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News |

Sustainable and safe food under Team Juncker?

  So, overall, are you happy with the proposal from Jean Claude Juncker? Not really. There are some promising elements in it, for example on energy efficiency and public investment, but overall it looks like a very meagre beast. I am particularly concerned that Juncker is clearly in favor...
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News |

Join the Food Revolution Newsletter

GREEN INSIGHT INTO EU FOOD POLICY Start of school year for food issues in the EP Food and the Italian Presidency: A serious priority?  FOOD FOR THOUGHT Rosa Chicken and Labelling Matters campaign Chef Jamie Oliver embarks on campaign against TTIP  JOIN THE FO...
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News |

GMO (In)digest

EU Work: Renationalisation Proposal See (GMO (In)digest 13) EU Governments’ representatives agreed at a Coreper meeting on 28th May to send the draft Greek Presidency proposal to allow Member States to ban a GMO that would have been authorised in the EU to the Environment Council on 12th June...
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Press release |

GM maize

A regulatory committee of the EU today took a decision on the renewal of the authorisation of a variety of GM maize (NK603, 'Round-Up Ready') in spite of research highlighting major potential concerns for human health. While the committee reached a 'no opinion', under the complex EU rules, it is now...
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Press release |

TTIP EU-US talks

The sixth negotiating round of the controversial EU-US TTIP trade negotiations will start on Monday, with MEPs set to debate the talks on Tuesday. The Greens/EFA group had proposed the European Parliament adopt a resolution, as the logical conclusion of this plenary debate, but this proposal was blo...
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Publication |

25 actions the next President of the EU Commission should commit to

  1. Strengthening democracy, changing political practice   1.1 Claim back the Commission’s autonomy from the influence of the European Council. This starts with the process leading to the election of the next POTEC and his programme. In addition, the EP’s role in init...