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Nuclear energy

Today the Finnish government decided to propose approvals for two new nuclear power reactors. The decision follows continuous technical and financial problems in the Olkiluoto 3 reactor which is still under construction. The Greens/EFA group in the European parliament support the Finnish Greens in their ongoing campaign against any new nu…
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Air Traffic Chaos

With regards to the impact of the volcanic eruption in Iceland on the transport in Europe, Michael Cramer and Eva Lichtenberger, spokespersons on transport for the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, state:"Mobility in Europe has changed drastically in the past six days. This time, the...
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Commenting on the final declaration of the latest negotiation round on ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) issued today in New Zealand, Christian Engström MEP (Swedish Pirate Party) said:"The outcome of the latest round of ACTA negotiations will bring much-needed transparency to the process....
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Iron Curtain Trail

Commenting on the "memorandum", which was signed by regions in Macedonia and Bulgaria to enhance cooperation in the development and promotion of the Iron Curtain Trail, Michael Cramer, spokesman on transport for the Green group in the European Parliament, states: "Last week I particip...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
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A groundbreaking study on renewable energy in Europe, launched today by the European Climate Foundation, has revealed the potential for 100% renewables by 2050 and dispelled myths including the supposed added costs and reliability of renewable energy.
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
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European Asylum Support Office

The EU Parliament civil liberties committee today approved a report (1) by Jean Lambert on the creation of a European Asylum Support Office. The report will now go to a plenary vote, expected to take place in Parliament's Strasbourg session 19-22 April. The UK Green MEP commented:"I am delighted ...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

New Entrants Reserve

The Greens have called on the European Commission to keep its promises on the New Entrants Reserve, worth a total of billions of Euro to trial new technologies to reduce emissions from power production. The risk is that costly CCS projects will dominate at the expense of cost-effective renewables proposals.
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

New Entrants Reserve

The Commission's proposals for the New Entrants Reserve (1) have consistently left the door open for the bulk of credits to be assigned to costly carbon capture and storage (CCS) over renewables projects, which are also eligible.Luxembourg Green MEP Claude Turmes and Dutch Green MEP Bas Eickhout com...
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

Citizens' Initiative

The European Commission has just presented the "Citizens' Initiative", an important tool for participative democracy that gives the right to a million Europeans to invite the Commission to propose legislation in a particular field.For the Greens, the Commission's proposal is useful, but it is still too cautious and not close enough to cit…
array(3) { ["url"]=> string(43) "files/layout/img/default_article_header.jpg" ["alt"]=> bool(false) ["copyright"]=> bool(false) }
Press release |

UE/ACP et situation à Madagascar

Réagissant dans le cadre de la 19e session de l'Assemblée parlementaire paritaire ACP-UE à Ténériffe (Espagne) du 27 mars au 1er avril. Michèle RIVASI, eurodéputée du Groupe des Verts/ALE a estimé que:"Les pays membres de l'Union européenne doivent agir pour contraindre M. Rajoelina à...