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Press release |

Greek debt crisis

Commenting on the decision by Greek prime minister Papandreou to hold a referendum on the implementation of the terms of the latest Greek bail out, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit said:  "There is a considerable and growing lack of trust among Greek citizens f...
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Press release |

Offshore oil and gas exploration

The European Commission today presented its proposals to update EU rules dealing with offshore oil and gas exploration following the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and other recent oil spills. The Greens expressed regret that the proposals fail to provide certainty on financial liability in the case ...
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Press release |

Antibiotics in agriculture

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution calling for an end to the prophylactic use of antibiotics in livestock farming. The Greens strongly welcomed the support of the entire European Parliament for this long-standing Green call and urged the Commission to come forward with proposals to t...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(67) "files/doc/imgs/list/1481898982_09e4327bc276bd8c82c538eb6a33c758.jpg" ["title"]=> NULL ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1481898982) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "09e4327bc276bd8c82c538eb6a33c758.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(57) "" ["list"]=> string(56) "" ["photo"]=> string(57) "" ["portrait"]=> string(60) "" } ["alt"]=> NULL }
Press release |

Eurozone summit

Commenting on the early morning agreement by the summit of Eurozone leaders on Greek debt, bank recapitalisation and EU rescue funding, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Dany Cohn-Bendit said: “The deal reached last night will likely be enough to pull the Eurozone back from the brin...
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Press release |

EU asylum rules

The European Parliament today adopted a legislative report on the qualification and status of third-country nationals, part of the so called 'asylum package' (1). After the vote, Green asylum and migration spokesperson Jean Lambert, who was the EP's draftsperson for the legislative report, said: &...
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Press release |

Data privacy (PNR)

The European Parliament today voted to endorse a proposed EU-Australia agreement on the retention of passenger data (PNR). The Greens have condemned the deal for failing to address fundamental rights concerns repeatedly raised by the European Parliament, and voted against in today's vote. After the ...
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Press release |

Sakharov Prize

The winner of the 2011 Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought was today decided at the EP conference of presidents (1). The 2011 prize has been awarded to a group activists representative of the Arab Spring: Asmaa Mahfouz (Egypt), Ahmed al-al-Sanusi Zubair Ahmed (Libya), Razan Zaitouneh (Syria), Ali ...
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Press release |

Corporate tax

The European Parliament today adopted by a large cross-party majority a report by Green draftsman Sven Giegold on a recast of the legislation governing the taxation of distributions from subsidiaries to parent companies (1). The legislation aims to prevent the double (or multiple) taxation of profit...
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Press release |

EU budget 2012

The European Parliament today adopted its position on the EU's 2012 budget, under which an increase of 5.3% is foreseen (1). Given the increased competences of the EU, the Greens are not opposed to an overall budget increase per se, but the group has problems with a number of the budget lines and he...
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Press release |

Tax agreements

EU tax commissioner Semeta highlighted major flaws with the bilateral tax agreements concluded by the UK and Germany with Switzerland at a debate in the European Parliament last night (1). The Greens welcomed his response to an oral question - which underlined problems with the applicable rates of w...