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Press release |

Future EU budget (MFF)

Commenting on the outcome of the first trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament and Council on the EU multiannual financial framework (2014-20), Green budgetary spokesperson Helga Trüpel said: "There are worrying signs that the EP negotiating team will let itself be strong-armed ...
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Press release |

Future EU budget

A high-level meeting on the EU's future budget (multiannual financial framework) between European Parliament president Schulz, Commission president Barroso and President of the Council Enda Kenny agreed central points for a possible agreement. The outcome included a commitment by Council to pay a fi...
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Press release |

Van CO2 emissions/fuel efficiency

<xml> </xml> The European Parliament's environment committee today voted on legislative proposals for implementing EU rules on CO2 emissions limits for light commercial vehicles (vans) for the year 2020. The Greens regretted the failure to strengthen the 2020 limit and described the indi...
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Press release |

EU food rules and seeds

The European Commission today presented its food safety package, with proposals for new EU rules in a number of areas, including for seeds and plant reproductive products. The Greens expressed concern that the proposals on seeds would play into the hands of the agro-chemical industry and threaten se...
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Press release |

Ruling of the European Court of Human Rights:

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) today ruled that Ukraine’s jailing of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was a politically motivated violation of her rights.
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Press release |

Dalligate - OLAF report published

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Press release |

Bee decline/neonicotinoid ban

Crucial proposals from the European Commission to suspend the use of neonicotinoid insecticides - due to their damaging impact on bee populations - were today upheld after a vote by EU member states. The outcome of the vote (1) in the Comitology Appeal Committee will enable the proposed suspension t...
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Press release |

Bee decline

Crucial proposals from the European Commission to suspend the use of 3 specific neonicotinoid insecticides - due to their damaging impact on bee populations - are again set to be voted on by EU member states on Monday (29 April), after an inconclusive vote last month (1). There are concerns that key...
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Press release |

Chernobyl/EU nuclear funds

In the context of this Friday's 27th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Greens have hit out at proposed funding from the European Commission aimed at keeping outdated nuclear reactors in Ukraine online. Commenting on the funding proposals, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: ...
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Press release |

Tax evasion

The European Parliament's economic affairs committee today adopted a report on tax evasion, setting out its position ahead of next month's EU summit, which will deal with the issue. The Greens have consistently highlighted loopholes in EU legislation and deficiencies in EU tax policy, which facilita...