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Press release |

Eastern Europe and Russia

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Eastern Partnership, and the pressure these countries are facing from Russia. After the vote, Greens/EFA foreign affairs spokesperson Werner Schulz commented: "MEPs today sent a message of solidarity to the Eastern Partnership countries ...
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Press release |

Biofuels, land use and climate

The European Parliament today voted on legislative proposals on biofuels, aimed at curbing the negative impact on the climate associated with indirect land use change (ILUC) due to biofuel production. The Greens welcomed the vote to ensure that the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from changes in ...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today voted on legislative proposals on management of eel fisheries. Crucially, MEPs endorsed the call by Green draftsperson/rapporteur Isabella Lövin for the European Commission to come forward with a new EU regulation on the management of this endangered species. Commentin...
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Press release |

Sakharov Prize

The Greens/EFA group last night agreed to nominate whistleblower Edward Snowden for this year's Sakharov Prize (1). The nomination for the EU's annual award for 'freedom of thought' recognises his role in shedding light on the mass surveillance practises of the US and European se...
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Press release |

EU banking supervision

Today a deal was struck between the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Central Bank on Parliament's scrutiny role under the new European banking supervision mechanism. It is very likely that the political groups in the European Parliament will support this deal (1). Green finance...
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Press release |

Market abuse rules (LIBOR)

The European Parliament today voted on proposals to revise EU legislation on market abuse and insider trading, which were proposed in response to the LIBOR scandal. The Greens welcomed the outcome, notably provisions for tougher fines, more transparency and greater protection for whistleblowers, wit...
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Press release |

EU right to lawyer

The European Parliament today adopted new EU legislation establishing the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings, based on a final legislative agreement. Crucially, the legislation includes provisions to ensure that basic juridical standards, like the right to a fair trial, are made binding and not simply left to the whims of…
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Press release |

NSA spying scandal

Commenting on the revelation that the US secret service NSA was also involved in the surveillance of SWIFT (the international bank transfer company), which was reported by the Washington Post based on new information from Edward Snowden (1), Green home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht, Euro...
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Press release |

EU tobacco rules

A crucial vote of the European Parliament on revised EU legislation on tobacco products, which was foreseen for next week, is set to be postponed following a decision of the European Parliament's Conference of Presidents. The leaders of the centre-right political groups in the European Parliament (E...
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Press release |


Commenting on the debate on possible responses following the use of chemical weapons near Damascus and the search for possible solutions to the Syria conflict, Green foreign policy co-spokespersons Franziska Brantner and Ulrike Lunacek stated: “The use of chemical weapons represents a shocking bre...