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Press release |

Qatar world cup and human rights

The European Parliament is today set to adopt a resolution on Qatar and the situation of migrant workers, notably in the context of the football world cup in 2022. There are concerns that the resolution could be watered-down or delayed by the centre-right EPP political group however. Ahead of the vo...
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Press release |

Economic governance and social justice

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the social dimension of the EU's Economic and Monetary Union. After the vote, Green social policy spokesperson Marije Cornelissen said: "The social dimension of the EMU needs to be more than just measuring and monitoring of the social situa...
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Press release |

EU environment policy

The European Parliament today voted to adopt the LIFE programme, the EU funding programme for environment and climate protection projects in the EU and policy preparation by the Commission (2014-20). Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA environment spokesperson Margrete Auken said: "The LIFE p...
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Press release |

Macroeconomic conditionality

The European Parliament today voted on the Common Provisions Regulation, new rules governing how EU structural and investment funds are disbursed. The Greens/EFA hit out at provisions on macroeconomic conditionality, which would allow the Commission to propose suspending EU funds for regions in memb...
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Press release |

Investment products

The European Parliament today voted on new legislation on key information documents for investment products (PRIPS). The new rules would ensure compulsory information on products like structured bonds, private pension funds, insurance investment funds and corporate bonds. The proposal has now to be ...
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Press release |

Social funding

The European Parliament today voted to approve a proposal from the Commission on new financial allocations for certain member states under the European Social Fund (ESF) for the current period. The proposal would see additional funds for action on unemployment exclusively allocated to France, Spain ...
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Press release |

European Parliament seat

The European Parliament today voted with an overwhelming majority to adopt a report on the location of the European Parliament's seats, co-drafted by Green MEP Gerald Häfner (1). Crucially, the report calls for the European Parliament to use its powers to initiate a procedure to change the current ...
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Press release |

Women in management

A legislative proposal aimed at introducing binding legislation to increase the share of women on company boards was today endorsed by the European Parliament. The vote coincides with moves in Germany to introduce binding rules on the same issue and raises hopes for concluding EU legislation. Commen...
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Press release |

CAP reform

The European Parliament today voted to confirm an agreement on the legislative proposals aimed at reforming the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. The Greens strongly criticised the outcome, which is much worse than the position voted by the EP earlier in the year, and will fail to provide for the fun...
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Press release |

Public procurement and global rules

The European Parliament today gave its consent to the revised Government Procurement Agreement, which sets out rules on how public procurement is regulated at international level (1). The Greens voted against the agreement and expressed concern about its implications for EU standards on public procu...