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Press release |

Kosovo - SITF/Williamson report

Clint Williamson, Lead Prosecutor for the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) under the authority of the EU Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), today published the results of three years of investigations into suspected crimes against humanity and allegations of organ-trafficking by individual members...
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Press release |

Middle East conflict

Commenting on the ongoing conflict in Palestine and Israel, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts said: "The dramatic conflict in Gaza must stop immediately. We condemn the bombing and shelling of hospitals, schools, and other civilian areas, with the resulting deaths of ...
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Press release |

EU energy efficiency policy

The European Commission today presented a communication on energy efficiency, which should guide EU governments in their decision on a 2030 energy savings target for the EU. The Greens have hit out at the manipulation of the findings on which the communication were based and the subsequent downgradi...
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Press release |


Commenting on the outcome of today’s meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers and on the EU’s future approach to the Ukraine crisis, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated:“Given the events of the last few days and the horror of the shooting down of flight MH17, it is incomprehensible and...
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Press release |

EU summit

Commenting on the outcome of the European Council of heads of state and government, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms stated: "This latest round of EU sanctions against Russia again falls short of what is needed in response to the crisis in Ukraine. Though it is right to impose sanctions o...
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Press release |

International criminal law

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on international criminal law and the crime of aggression, exactly sixteen years after the adoption of the Rome Statute, setting up the International Criminal Court (ICC). The resolution, initiated by the Green foreign policy and human rights spokes...
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Press release |

Interim commissioners

Commenting on today's vote in the European Parliament on a 'package' of 4 interim commissioners (1), who will replace outgoing commissioners for the remainder of the term, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "The logic of appointing replacement commissioners for...
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Press release |

TTIP EU-US talks

Coinciding with the sixth negotiating round of the controversial EU-US TTIP* trade negotiations this week, a new European Citizens' Initiative on TTIP was successfully registered with the European Commission (1). The Greens/EFA group has announced it will support the initiative and will proactiv...
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Press release |

EU Commission presidency

Commenting on the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "We would like to congratulate Jean-Claude Juncker on his election as President of the European Commission. With his clear pro-Europ...
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Press release |

GM maize

A regulatory committee of the EU today took a decision on the renewal of the authorisation of a variety of GM maize (NK603, 'Round-Up Ready') in spite of research highlighting major potential concerns for human health. While the committee reached a 'no opinion', under the complex EU rules, it is now...