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Press release |

Dairy sector crisis

EU agriculture ministers are set to meet in Council on Monday to discuss the ongoing crisis in the dairy sector. Commenting ahead of the Council, Green agriculture spokesperson Molly Scott Cato said: "It was inevitable that we would be again facing a crisis in the dairy sector. In the absence o...
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Press release |

Refugee crisis

The Greens/EFA group is supporting calls for a high-level debate in the European Parliament next week, ahead of the emergency meeting of EU home affairs ministers on 14 September and anticipated proposals from the EU Commission. In this context, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms and other Green ...
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Press release |

Greek bailout

Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has written to European Parliament president Martin Schulz, calling for a stronger involvement of the Parliament in the supervision of the latest Greek aid programme. While the Greens have been critical of the terms of the latest programme, they expressed their fu...
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Press release |

Greek bailout

Ahead of the meeting of Eurozone finance ministers on the agreement between the Greek government and its EU and IMF creditors on a new 3 year rescue programme, Greens/EFA president Philippe Lamberts said: “It is difficult to be enthusiastic about this agreement on Greece's latest rescue programme....
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Press release |


Commenting on the Turkish air strikes on Islamic State and Kurdish territories and in the context of today's NATO meeting, Greens/EFA president Rebecca Harms said: "It is alarming that Turkish president Erdogan is seeking renewed confrontation with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), with his o...
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Press release |


Zahlreiche deutsche Medien berichten heute, dass die griechische Regierung versprochene Gesetze nicht fristgerecht verabschieden und somit den vereinbarten Zeitplan mit den Gläubigern nicht einhalten würde. So titelt die FAZ “Schon verzögert Athen Reformen”, Focus berichtet: “Versprochen is...
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Press release |

Distribution key for relocating refugees

The European Parliament’s Civil liberties committee today adopted a report by Green draftsperson Ska Keller on a proposal on the relocation of refugees from Italy and Greece to other Member States based on a binding distribution key. Following the adoption of the report, migration spokesperson of ...
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Press release |

Passenger Name Records

The European Parliament’s Civil liberties, justice and home affairs committee today adopted by a large majority proposals on the unjustified collection and analysis of passenger name records of all air passengers travelling to or from the EU. Commenting after the vote, Jan Philipp Albrecht, V...
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Press release |

Energy Union

The European Commission today presented key components as part of its proposals for an EU energy union. The proposals cover the emissions trading system, electricity markets and energy labelling. Commenting on these proposals, Claude Turmes, Greens/EFA MEP and member of the Industry, research and en...
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(67) "files/doc/imgs/list/1481902983_ecd6933af6c01ed806ff91f36a265613.jpg" ["title"]=> NULL ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1481902983) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "ecd6933af6c01ed806ff91f36a265613.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(58) "" ["list"]=> string(57) "" ["photo"]=> string(58) "" ["portrait"]=> string(61) "" } ["alt"]=> NULL }
Press release |

Eurozone summit/Greece

Commenting on today's Eurozone summit on Greece, Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and Philippe Lamberts stated: "The document summarising the outcome of the Eurogroup has now been made public. It basically accepts the Greek proposals and adds a substantial number of demands by the cr...