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Press release |

Circular economy

The European Commission today presented new proposals the circular economy and resource use. Reacting to the proposals, Greens/EFA vice-president and environment spokesperson Bas Eickhout said: "While we welcome the fact the Commission has finally come forward with revised proposals on the circ...
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Press release |

EP tax investigation continued

The European Parliament's conference of presidents today agreed to create a new special committee on taxation to last 6 months, with a new mandate based largely on the mandate of the previous committee and the same structure. Commenting after the conference of presidents, Greens/EFA president Philip...
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Press release |

GMO authorisation

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to object to a decision by the European Commission to authorise a new GM maize variety (NK603 x T25) for use in the EU. The objection, which will now be voted on by the parliament as a whole, is not binding but sends a strong political sig...
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Press release |

Lobbying transparency

The Greens/EFA group has urged the European Commission to stop delaying anticipated proposals setting out new rules on lobbying transparency. The group made the call today in the context of its launch of a new online tool for automatically making public any meetings MEPs hold with lobbyists (1). Com...
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Press release |

UN climate talks

The COP21 UN climate summit is set to open on Monday with a meeting of heads and state and government from around the world. The summit is then set to last two weeks, with expectations it will deliver a binding global agreement on tackling climate change. Ahead of the conference, Green climate chang...
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Press release |

Car pollution scandal

The socialist (S&D) group today added its support to a proposal made by the Greens/EFA group to set up a parliamentary inquiry committee to investigate the car pollution scandal. With a majority of groups now supporting an inquiry, a decision will be taken at an extraordinary conference of presi...
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Press release |

EP tax investigation

The European Parliament's conference of presidents today failed to agree on extending the mandate of EP's special committee investigating taxation. EP president Martin Schulz and the socialist (S&D) group expressed legal concerns with the extension, despite there being no legal advice to this en...
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Press release |

Energy Union

EU energy ministers today agreed on measures regarding the governance of the EU's Energy Union at their Council meeting. Commenting on the Council conclusions, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes said: "EU energy ministers have today given some clear guidance as regards the crucial issue of...
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Press release |


The European Parliament today adopted a report setting out its position on how to tackle radicalisation in Europe. After the vote, Green civil liberties spokesperson Jean Lambert said: “The European Parliament has today found common ground on how to tackle radicalisation, which has to be a core el...
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Press release |

EP tax investigation

Philippe Lamberts, Sven Giegold and Eva Joly host a press conference on the developments with the EP's tax investigation at 16.00 today in the press room in Strasbourg. It will be streamed at: A previou...