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Press release |

Social Dumping

The European Parliament today adopted the Balas report on "social dumping within the European Union".Today’s decision is significant in the context of the forthcoming negotiations on the controversial directive on posted workers.Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA member of the Committ...
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Press release |

State of the Union

Commenting on today's State of the Union address from President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said: "The European Union, with all its achievements and its shortcomings, is still the best answer to nationalism. We are better able to defe...
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Press release |


  The interim report from the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements (EMIS) has been passed by MEPs with a strong majority on Tuesday, 13 September. Commenting on the vote, Greens/EFA energy spokesperson and shadow rapporteur for the interim report Claude Turmes said: "As...
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Press release |

Turkey debate

Following today's debate on the latest developments in Turkey with Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, co-president of the Greens/EFA Group Rebecca Harms said: "The EU needs to push for an end to the persecution of journalists, lawyers ...
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Press release |

Mass collection of flight passenger data is unlawful

The Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Paolo Mengozzi today presented his opinion on the agreement for the collection and retention of air passenger data (PNR) between the European Union and Canada. Green MEP and home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht said:"...
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Press release |

Copyright reform

A leaked draft* of the new EU Copyright Reform Directive reveals major flaws in the European Commission’s proposals.  Commenting on the leak, Greens/EFA digital agenda spokesperson Julia Reda said:  “This confirms our worst fears. Commissioner Oettinger has let copyright reform be hi...
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Press release |

Rule of law in Turkey

The Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has responded strongly to the news that the home of a former member of their staff has been searched by Turkish police, and a warrant issued for his arrest. The home of Ali Yurttagül, a former political advisor to the Greens/EFA group in the European ...
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Press release |

Apple state aid ruling

The EU Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, today presented the results of the proceedings against Ireland for infringements of EU competition law. The ruling has major implications for Apple, who operate a significant portion of their global business through subsidiaries in Ireland, resulting in an effective tax rate of less…
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Press release |

Stress test for banks

The European Banking Authority (EBA) will tonight publish the results of the 2016 stress test for banks. The EBA carries out the test to assess whether banks hold enough capital to see them through a further worsening of the banking crisis. The stress test results play a crucial role in possible ban...
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Press release |

EU rules on posted workers

The European Commission today announced it would be proceeding with its proposal to revise EU rules on the posting of workers, overruling opposition from parliaments in 11 member states which had sought to block the plans with a so-called ‘yellow card’. Welcoming the decision, Green social ...