

array(7) { ["url"]=> string(49) "files/assets/imgs/list/refugee_camp_lebanon_1.jpg" ["title"]=> string(20) "Refugee Camp Lebanon" ["copyright"]=> string(27) "Worldbank (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508398181) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "6b74fc5f80f2d94f5485fb3946236ba7.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(20) "Refugee Camp Lebanon" }
Worldbank (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Refugee Camp Lebanon
Press release |

Dublin System reforms will ensure greater solidarity

The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee has voted on the reforms to the Dublin System, which sets out the criteria for which Member State should examine an asylum claim.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(46) "files/assets/imgs/list/data_protection_web.jpg" ["title"]=> string(19) "Data protection web" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508423954) ["file_name"]=> string(47) "1488989199_dda3269d9af5ae56fda0a20c91c95ba9.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(19) "Data protection web" } Data protection web
Press release |

EU Parliament wants strong data protection for WhatsApp & Co

"With few exceptions, internet companies and communication providers should only be able to use the data of users with their consent. Users must be able to trust that their surfing and communication behaviour will not be evaluated or passed on," says Greens/EFA MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(37) "files/assets/imgs/list/pesticides.jpg" ["title"]=> string(10) "Pesticides" ["copyright"]=> string(17) "@Erich Westendarp" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508314347) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "8714237eedb9c49919e30a74cd5a979f.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(10) "Pesticides" }
@Erich Westendarp
Press release |

Greens/EFA call for glyphosate-free future

The Greens/EFA group has commissioned a new study on alternatives to glyphosate. The study, which has been produced by PAN Europe, will be published one day ahead of a vote in the European Parliament’s Environment Committee on an objection to the renewal of glyphosate’s EU licence. The resolution calls on the Commission not to extend the …
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(47) "files/assets/imgs/list/panama_comitee_typo3.png" ["title"]=> string(20) "panama comitee typo3" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508346625) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "dc2920fc36ac0b261e2a452f9dc8a112.png" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(20) "panama comitee typo3" } panama comitee typo3
Press release |

European Parliament sets out powerful agenda for defeating money laundering and tax dodging

"We now have a powerful set of proposals to tackle the illegal and corrupt financial flows unearthed by the Panama Papers," says Molly Scott Cato.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(52) "files/assets/imgs/list/justus_lipsius_eu_council.jpg" ["title"]=> string(25) "Justus Lipsius EU Council" ["copyright"]=> string(21) "JLogan (CC BY-SA 3.0)" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508240447) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "e17d487471166e0f7982f6e30a5fd471.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(25) "Justus Lipsius EU Council" }
JLogan (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Justus Lipsius EU Council
Press release |

Statement from Philippe Lamberts, President of Greens/EFA group

"Even more so than the negotiations on Brexit and the future of Ireland, which have been severely damaged by the unbelievable amateurism of the British leaders, the Catalan crisis risks becoming uncontrollable, putting at risk the EU's spirit of integration," says Philippe Lamberts.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(34) "files/assets/imgs/list/workers.jpg" ["title"]=> string(7) "Workers" ["copyright"]=> string(14) "@Kristian Auth" ["updated_at"]=> int(1508228334) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "b721d7d336993c6b3335f8f20212bc9a.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(7) "Workers" }
@Kristian Auth
Press release |

Parliament sets out rules to end exploitation

We can and must end the abuse of posted workers, says Terry Reintke. Posted workers have waited far too long to see progress. There is a clear parliamentary consensus and we now expect to see EU Member States match the level of ambition agreed.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(32) "files/assets/imgs/list/unhcr.jpg" ["title"]=> string(5) "unhcr" ["copyright"]=> string(11) "CC BY UNHCR" ["updated_at"]=> int(1507805119) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "67510291c644f0076223ad6d6eafc29e.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(5) "unhcr" }
Press release |

European Parliament sets strong humanitarian targets

The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) has voted on proposals for a Union Resettlement Framework, including targets designed to increase ambition across the Member States.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(73) "files/assets/imgs/list/switchingofflightswitch_john_shepherd_creacart.jpg" ["title"]=> string(46) "Switchingofflightswitch John Shepherd Creacart" ["copyright"]=> string(0) "" ["updated_at"]=> int(1507714423) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "87dd189c08757b5796e002824a74a0e3.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(46) "Switchingofflightswitch John Shepherd Creacart" } Switchingofflightswitch John Shepherd Creacart
Press release |

EU homes need to be renovated to deliver for climate and citizens

The Greens/EFA group has backed plans to improve energy efficiency in homes that would see considerable environmental, social and health benefits for EU citizens. The European Parliament’s committee on Industry, Research and Energy voted in favour of proposals to improve the energy performance of buildings.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(38) "files/assets/imgs/list/barcelona_3.jpg" ["title"]=> string(9) "Barcelona" ["copyright"]=> NULL ["updated_at"]=> int(1507717699) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "998b316138df646b9f5b032f9064181c.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(9) "Barcelona" } Barcelona
Press release |

Ambiguous declaration of Catalan President opens room for dialogue

President Carles Puigdemont opted for an ambiguous statement, leaving some room for dialogue. A lot will depend now on the reaction of the Spanish government.
array(7) { ["url"]=> string(41) "files/assets/imgs/list/eu_briefcase_1.jpg" ["title"]=> string(12) "EU briefcase" ["copyright"]=> string(4) "CC 0" ["updated_at"]=> int(1507645185) ["file_name"]=> string(36) "832d194a402f68ccc76e664bd1481c35.jpg" ["urls"]=> array(4) { ["jumbo"]=> string(51) "" ["list"]=> string(50) "" ["photo"]=> string(51) "" ["portrait"]=> string(54) "" } ["alt"]=> string(12) "EU briefcase" }
CC 0
EU briefcase
Press release |

Schäuble leaves behind poisonous farewell present

Schäuble's paper continues to breathe the spirit of austerity policy. Although structural reforms are necessary in the countries in crisis, saving alone will not get the economy back on its feet. Schäuble ignores the fact that the differences within the eurozone are also the result of the policies of the richer countries of the North.