The Greens/EFA ask for a reduction of at least 5,8% of the cap on emissions each year and the end of free allowances. To avoid putting the burden on citizens, the Group calls not to include road transport and buildings, but to integrate domestic and international aviation and shipping emissions in the scope of the ETS.

The Greens/EFA are calling for a clear climate impact of the CBAM in line with WTO standards. In addition, any form of potential export support should be transparent, proportionate and not lead to any kind of competitive advantages for EU exporting industries in third countries.

The Greens/EFA ask for a limitation on the purchase of ESR allowances from other Member States. In addition, a minimum price should be set for buying these allowances, in order to respect the polluter-pays principle.

The Greens/EFA call on establishing binding GHG emissions reduction targets for forestry and land use for the EU as a whole and for each Member State. The EU should set targets at EU and MS level to increase forest sinks as well. And the Group asks to keep in mind that forests cannot compensate for agricultural emissions.

The Greens/EFA push for the EC to take the lead and set up zero CO2 emission performance standards as of 2030 to create rules supporting pioneers in this industry. The ban of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the next decade is key to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Reducing methane emissions in the energy sector

Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)
The Greens/EFA underline that the revision of the ETD is a unique opportunity to address GHG emissions reductions in non-ETS sectors, specifically transport and buildings. Furthermore, energy taxation will raise the price citizens have to pay for their energy, so it is important that revenue raised on products covered by the ETD are reinvested.

Amendments to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)
The Greens/EFA demand that the “low-carbon fuels”, that are likely to be of fossil or nuclear origin, should not be part of the EU’s future energy production. Supply from bioenergy should be reduced, and own renewable energy produced by citizens supported.

Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
The Greens/EFA are asking for a revised EED that should ensure a mandatory target of at least 45% for both primary and final energy savings by 2030. Additionally, the minimum level of new energy savings needs to be doubled to 1.6% in the Member States. Finally, the Group asks for mandatory renovation of all public buildings.

Revision of the Directive on deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
With the adoption of the European Green Deal and the new climate goals, it is clear that gas can no longer be considered part of the solution. The Greens/EFA remind the importance for the ports to be ready as soon as possible for the gradual increase of vessels powered by hydrogen, ammonia and electricity-based fuels. It is important that lack of charging/fuelling infrastructure does not become a constraint for the market uptake of (sustainable) alternative fuels.
Revision of the energy performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
Revision of the Third Energy Package for gas to regulate competitive decarbonised gas markets