Bring back nature

Healthy ecosystems

Our ecosystems are in poor health. Climate change is but one reason, other drivers are harmful practices in our agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.

We need to change these practices to protect and restore nature.

EU action to bring back nature

We are losing nature faster than ever. Scientists believe that we are living through the sixth mass extinction, and first mass extinction since humans occupied the Earth.

But we depend on nature. The planet can survive mass extinction, we cannot.

Luckily, nature has an incredible capacity to bounce back. We know how to protect and restore nature. We also know how to reconcile nature protection and our needs as humans. We need to act strongly, and now!

Help us to bring back nature

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    • Protect at least 30 percent of the EU’s land and sea area, and set aside at least 10 percent as strictly protected areas.
    • Restore 30 percent of drained wetlands, regardless of whether they have been drained for agricultural production, forests or peat extraction.
    • Promote ecological forestry practices. Such approaches are already practised on an estimated 22 to 30 percent of the EU’s forested area.
    • Stop destructive fishing practices in EU-protected areas. The EU can no longer tolerate practices like bottom trawling, scraping all sea life from the bottom of the seabed, in its marine protected areas.


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Co-Presidents' session briefing

Press briefing with Greens/EFA co-presidents Rebecca Harms and dany Cohn-Bendit on the key issues of the plenary session for the Greens/EFA group
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Press release |

Dangerous pesticides

Commenting on the European Commission's proposals to suspend three neonicotinoid insecticides (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin) Greens/EFA MEP Bart Staes stated:  "We applaud the regulatory action proposed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Health & Con...
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Nous avons plus besoin des abeilles que des ogm!

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Give bees a chance

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Video |

Give bees a chance

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Video |

Donnons une chance aux abeilles!

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Press release |

Bee crisis and insecticides

populations and the impact of insecticides, the Greens have called for a ban on controversial neonicotinoid insecticides and other systemic neurotoxins. With the European Food Safety Authority having last week published a report highlighting concerns with neonicotinoids (1), and the European Environ...
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Press release |

IP rights and genetic resources

The European Parliament today adopted a report by Green rapporteur/draftsperson Catherine Grèze on the intellectual property rights of genetic resources in developing countries. After the vote, Catherine Grèze said: "Much greater effort is needed to tackle biopiracy, which is a major problem ...
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Event |

Opposing the Belo Monte dam in the Amazon

This press conference, which took place on the very same day of the visit of Dilma Rousseff to France, aimed at questioning the key role of European companies that are taking part in this social, environmental and economic disaster.
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Event |

The potential of agroecology

There is an urgent need to rethink the global food system. This is why this international conference is organised on transition towards a more sustainable agricultural and food model: agroecology.