Bring back nature

Healthy ecosystems

Our ecosystems are in poor health. Climate change is but one reason, other drivers are harmful practices in our agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors.

We need to change these practices to protect and restore nature.

EU action to bring back nature

We are losing nature faster than ever. Scientists believe that we are living through the sixth mass extinction, and first mass extinction since humans occupied the Earth.

But we depend on nature. The planet can survive mass extinction, we cannot.

Luckily, nature has an incredible capacity to bounce back. We know how to protect and restore nature. We also know how to reconcile nature protection and our needs as humans. We need to act strongly, and now!

Help us to bring back nature

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    • Protect at least 30 percent of the EU’s land and sea area, and set aside at least 10 percent as strictly protected areas.
    • Restore 30 percent of drained wetlands, regardless of whether they have been drained for agricultural production, forests or peat extraction.
    • Promote ecological forestry practices. Such approaches are already practised on an estimated 22 to 30 percent of the EU’s forested area.
    • Stop destructive fishing practices in EU-protected areas. The EU can no longer tolerate practices like bottom trawling, scraping all sea life from the bottom of the seabed, in its marine protected areas.


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Press release |

Biofuels, land use and climate

The European Parliament voted to approve new EU rules on biofuels. The rules had originally aimed at curbing the negative impact on the climate associated with indirect land use change (ILUC) due to biofuel production and the problems associated with fuel crops but the Greens expressed concern that ...
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Press release |

GMO approvals

The European Commission today presented a proposal for a new scheme of renationalising decisions on GMOs in the EU. The proposals would introduce the possibility for EU member states to restrict trade of GMOs within their territory without touching the authorisation procedure for GMOs as such. Comme...
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Press release |

Biofuels, land use and climate

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to endorse an agreement reached between the Parliament and EU governments on new EU rules on biofuels. The rules had aimed at curbing the negative impact on the climate associated with indirect land use change (ILUC) due to biofuel producti...
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Press release |

EU milk quota end

The EU milk quota system, which has been in place for 30 years, will end today. From 1 April on, there will be no instrument governing production quantities for dairy products in the EU. The European Parliament is currently drafting a report on the consequences of this and the possible alternatives....
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Press release |

Environmental Outlook

The European Environment Agency today released its five-yearly assessment of the state and outlook of the environment in Europe (1). Commenting on the outlook, Green environment policy spokesperson Benedek Javor said: “The EEA has today sounded a clear alarm bell about the state of the environme...
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Press release |

Tar sands

The European Parliament today narrowly failed to reject new fuel quality rules proposed by the EU Commission, which do not include a separate methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil (1). The proposed rejection needed the support of an absolute majority of the Parliament...
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Press release |

Tar sands oil

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted to reject new fuel quality rules proposed by the EU Commission, which failed to include a separate methodology for assessing greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands oil (1). After the vote, Green climate change spokesperson Bas Eickhout, wh...
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Press release |

Plastic bags

A deal on new EU rules to reduce plastic bag use, which was reached between the European Parliament and Council this week, was today confirmed by representative of EU governments. The new rules oblige EU governments to adopt measures to drastically reduce the use of single-use plastic carrier bags. ...
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Action GMO-free Europe © European Parliament
Action for a GMO-free Europe
Press release |

GMO authorisation

The European Parliament's environment committee today voted on a proposal for a new scheme for the authorisation of genetically-modified organisms in the EU (1). The vote by MEPs strengthens the grounds on which member states or regions could opt-out from GMO authorisations under the proposed new sy...
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Press release |

GMO authorisation

EU environment ministers meeting in Luxembourg today approved proposals for a new scheme for the authorisation of genetically-modified organisms. Commenting on the Environment Council, Green food safety spokesperson Bart Staes said: “The compromise on revising the EU process for GMO authorisation...