Prices and the cost of living are rising. People struggle to pay their bills. More and more are at risk of poverty. People need help now. We want to make sure that everyone can have a decent life: a stable income, a safe home and food every day.
The amount of Europeans in poverty and at risk of poverty and social exclusion are staggering. The EU must act to make sure and provide safety nets, making sure people can make ends meet, have safe housing and make sure everyone gets out of the energy crisis better and cleaner.
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- No evictions, no energy cuts - even if you cannot pay your bills - Access to affordable, sustainable and safe housing is a human right!
- Minimum wages, minimum income and social benefits need to be urgently updated in all countries in the European Union to the rising prices - The Minimum Wage Directive should be implemented asap. Additionally, we an EU Framework Directive on Adequate Minimum Income to ensure that everyone has a living income to ensure a life in dignity.
- Help people save energy and renovate their homes - The EU needs to respond and provide additional financing to scale up renovations of houses, especially for those already struggling to pay their energy, to ensure adequate renovations can be carried out for comfortable, safe and clean homes all across the EU.
Interior of a house in Velingrad Nevena Bulgaria / CC Friends of the Earth
Visual Porto 2023 Statement
People walking in a train station / CC0 Christian Wiediger
Opinion by Sara Matthieu
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash
Home for People, not Profit - Thumbnail
© Picture credits: UNSPLASH - MJ HARU
MJ Haru CC0
Opinion by Ernest Urtasun & Kim Van Sparrentak