Press release |

Vote to ban food from cloned animals

Press release by Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans

Food from cloned animals should be banned according to MEPs who put the matter to the vote today. Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has been campaigning for such a ban since 2008.

The proposed new legislation would cover meat and dairy products from cloned animals as part of EU rules on so-called 'novel foods'. Restrictions would also apply to any foods produced using nanotechnology.

Commenting after the vote in Strasbourg, Jill Evans, a member of the European Parliament's Environment Committee said:

"A complete ban would be good news for consumers and for our agricultural industry. MEPs have given their support and now it's up to EU governments to get behind the proposals.

"Support for a complete ban on food produced from cloned animals has been growing steadily since this issue was first raised at EU level two years ago. I'm very pleased that we've been able to get this vote through today.

"The health and welfare problems associated with cloned animals have been well documented, as has their higher mortality rate. It's vitally important that we get this ban in place soon, before the situation develops to such a stage where these products could reach the food chain.

"I hope that EU governments will now heed the call by the Parliament and agree on this issue so that a ban can be in place as soon as possible."


Policy Paper
Proiectul BEE2BEES

Responsible MEPs

Jill Evans
Jill Evans

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