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The European Union must finally take action


PRESS RELEASE - Brussels 13 August 2020

Ahead of tomorrow's (Friday 14 August) video conference of EU foreign ministers, Philippe Lamberts and Ska Keller, leader of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, call for condemnation of electoral fraud and police violence, support for the release of political prisoners and new elections, targeted sanctions and entry bans on those responsible for the repression, and a safe haven to those who are no longer safe in Belarus.

Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, comments:

"The European Union must finally take a clear position and take action. We expect the EU Foreign Ministers and the EU High Representative to condemn clearly electoral fraud and police violence and to work for the release of political prisoners and for fair and free new elections. There must be an international investigation into police violence and those responsible must be brought to justice.“

Ska Keller, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, comments:

"Alexander Lukashenko has long since crossed the red line. The German Council Presidency and EU foreign ministers must show a clear stance against the repressive regime and make it clear that they do not recognise the election results, call on the Belarusian President to resign and decide on targeted sanctions and entry bans for those responsible for the repression. Arms exports to Belarus must be stopped immediately. The EU must offer a safe haven to those who are no longer safe in Belarus. The foreign ministers must send a clear message that the people of Belarus will not be left alone.“


Policy Paper

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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