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Open internet

Commission must enshrine principle of net neutrality in EU law

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution calling on the Commission to do more to guarantee open internet and net neutrality. The Greens welcomed the vote and called on the Commission to come forward with legislation that enshrines the principle of net neutrality. After the vote, Green MEP Philippe Lamberts said:

"Net neutrality and open internet – a core principle on which the internet was founded – is increasingly coming under threat, both in EU member states and beyond. The EP has today made clear that this core principle must be guaranteed across Europe. The Greens are calling on the European Commission to enshrine net neutrality and the rights of internet users in European legislation, and on Commissioner Kroes to end her ambiguous stance on this vital issue."


Proiectul BEE2BEES

Responsible MEPs

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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