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Europe needs a new approach to globalisation

Greens/EFA co-president comments ahead of debate

The European Parliament is today debating the European Commission's recent reflection paper on globalisation. Commenting ahead of the debate, Ska Keller, co-president of the Greens/EFA group, said:

"It is high time that the European Commission opened its eyes to the risks of globalisation. They dropped a number of important key words into their proposals. But these will remain empty words until they deliver concrete answers to those who fear the effects of globalisation, or are already feeling them in their daily lives.

"We need a new approach on globalisation. That shouldn't mean building up borders or “my country first” rhetoric. We want openness and exchange and we know that many jobs in Europe depend on international trade. But we also know that many jobs are threatened and that no member state can deal with this threat on its own.

"We have the chance to give the EU a new purpose as a power that controls globalisation and delivers fair trade. The EU can be a power that defends its citizens’ rights and makes sure that our wellbeing is not built on the suffering of people in the developing world. It can also be a power that protects the environment instead of exploiting it beyond all limits. Reining in globalisation is one of the best arguments one could have for the EU. But we need to take action to make it real."


Policy Paper

Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller

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