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EU governments are making domestic considerations a priority


Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament, comments:

"EU governments are making domestic considerations a priority and risk derailing the Green Deal. The postponement of the negotiations does not take us any closer to implementing the Green Deal, restructuring the economy, protecting biodiversity and tackling growing inequality. With stinginess, the European Union cannot lead in digitisation and in the fight against the climate crisis. In times of negative interest rates, the European Union must boost public investment.

“Investments in the rule of law and projects for democracy and anti-discrimination are investments in the values of the EU community. Those who trample on the rule of law must not be rewarded with generous funds; the money must go directly to projects that promote democracy and the rule of law.

“The European Union needs a budget that is independent of the whims of governments. The EU governments should agree on a plastic tax worthy of the name. A digital tax, taxes on CO2 and revenue from the emissions trading scheme would be steps in the right direction.

“The European Parliament is united behind the call for a forward-looking EU budget and will not be satisfied with minor, backward-looking change."


Press release
Proiectul BEE2BEES

Responsible MEPs

Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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