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Show Your Support for Fisheries Reform!

Real Fisheries Reform all the way through to the Council

A revolution took place last week as the European Parliament voted for a radical overhaul of the EU fisheries policy with a stunning majority of 502 – 137. We got support for our key Green demands. The parliament said "no more of the old failed practices" and approved calls to:
  • End overfishing 2015; make fisheries ministers follow scientific advice so that fish stocks are rebuilt by 2020.
  • End discarding – without exceptions.
  • Allocate fishing rights to fishermen according to transparent social and environmental criteria.
Nobody expected such a strong majority in favour of these reforms. A huge collective effort by MEPs, NGOs, civil society but most of all the action of public over the past few years made this remarkable change possible.


Now the fight will take place in the Member States. The European Parliament will soon negotiate with the Council. We need to put all the pressure we can on the 27 EU governments to make them recognise the strength of the support for this reform carried by citizens’ will in the European Parliament and persuade them to break ranks with the Stone Age position of the Council. 

Governments must listen to what people are calling for. We need ALL OF YOU to make this push.

How to show your support before the Council decides on their negotiating mandate in a few weeks?: - Like, comment and share this post with your friends! (See bottom of page) - Send picture messages showing your support for a real fisheries reform - facebook event page - Share ideas on this page on how to make governments listen - facebook event page - Paint a Fish! - Show your support to NGOs working on the Fisheries reform in the Member States: The European Parliament vote proves that change is not only possible – it is in fact happening. But to take advantage of this open window, we need everybody's help to make the difference in the Council. Let's now push this change TOGETHER all the way through to the Council.

More information about the result of the vote:



Press release
Policy Paper
Proiectul BEE2BEES

Responsible MEPs

Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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