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Getting the climate right for green investment in Europe

A Greens/EFA conference

14.30-14:45 Introduction - Yannick Jadot, Greens/EFA MEP 14.45-16.00 Panel 1 - Where is the lead market for green investments?
  • Steve Sawyer - Secretary General of Global Wind Energy Council
  • Adam McCarthy - Johnson Controls Building Efficiency (tbc)

  • Jason Anderson - WWF-European Policy Office

16.00-16.15 Presentation of key outcomes from the update of the "Vision Scenario for the European Union"
Dr. Felix Matthes, Oeko Institut
16.15-17.30 Panel 2 - What future policy framework to spur green investments in Europe?
  • Claude Turmes, Greens/EFA MEP
  • Philip Lowe, Director General DG Energy, European Commission

  • Ulrik Stridbaek, Wind Development DONG Energy

  • Jules Kortenhorst, CEO European Climate Foundation
Debate and conclusion Registration:
If you are interested in attending the event, please email the office of Yannick Jadot - yannick.jadot@europarl.europa.eu
Anyone requiring accreditation for entrance to the European Parliament should include their name and first name, date and place of birth, nationality and place of residence.


Policy Paper
Proiectul BEE2BEES

Responsible MEPs

Yannick Jadot
Yannick Jadot
Claude Turmes
Claude Turmes

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