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EU must urgently shift tack on Tunisia and ensure real democratic transformation occurs

The European Parliament this evening debated the current situation in Tunisia with the European Commission. The Greens have criticised the EU's support for the former dictatorship and called for the EU to now support the truly democratic opposition forces, so that a real democratic transformation occurs. During the debate, Greens/EFA co-president Daniel Cohn-Bendit said:

"The EU has for far too long been complicit in propping up the dictatorship in Tunisia; the dictator has fled but his apparatus is still in place. The EU must urgently shift tack if we are to ensure a real democratic transformation occurs. This means diverting EU funds away from the old apparatus of the dictatorship towards the truly democratic opposition forces, whether political or in the media.

"There is a real opportunity to support the creation of a real democracy in North Africa and to show that democracy is possible in a Muslim country. Time is running out for Tunisia and the Tunisian people however, with elections expected within weeks. The EU can play a crucial role in this transformation but only if it shifts its support to those who want a real, pluralist democracy to emerge in Tunisia.

"The European Parliament has again distinguished itself through its silence, with the EPP and socialist groups refusing a Green demand for an EP resolution."


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