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EU must support opposition and call for new Duma elections

The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Russian presidential elections. The Greens welcomed the vote and called on the EU to do more to support the opposition in Russia and push for new Duma elections. After the vote, Green MEP Werner Schulz said:

"The Russian leadership missed the opportunity to address the concerns of the growing opposition in Russian society by failing to ensure free and fair elections. The opposition must now organise itself and show that it can present a real alternative to Vladimir Putin and the EU must do all it can to support the opposition to this end. Instead of continuing with business as usual, the EU should be exerting pressure on Russia to hold new Duma elections, with political plurality and the proper representation of the opposition guaranteed.

"Instead of focusing on the long promised social and economic reforms, Putin seems to be prioritising military investments. He seems unwilling to change his dated, authoritarian world view. From an EU perspective, it is hard to see how strategic partnership with Putin can be possible, given the absence of common interests and values on which such EU partnerships must be based."


Position Paper
Ludvig14 CC BY-SA 3.0
Picture of Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow
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© lilly3
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© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

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