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Press release |

No mandate for hard Brexit

UK general election result

Reaction to the results of the UK general election from Greens/EFA co-presidents Ska Keller and Philippe Lamberts:

"Theresa May’s strategy to increase her majority in the UK Parliament has failed. She now becomes the second Conservative prime minister in a row to take a massive gamble and lose. The British citizens have refused to give her the strong mandate for a hard Brexit she aimed for. The narrow lead she has achieved shows that UK citizens remain divided about the future course of the country, including the line to take in the Brexit negotiations.

"The election result should give the next British Government a reason to question its tough line and open up to the many concerns related to Brexit. Due to the election campaign, the time pressure to advance in the negotiations is rising. It is high time that the British Government and the EU engage in serious negotiations to end the uncertainty for many EU citizens living in the UK and the many British citizens living in the rest of the EU.

"We would also like to congratulate Green Party co-leader Caroline Lucas on retaining her seat with a majority of votes, ensuring that there will still be a much needed Green voice in the British Parliament."


Responsible MEPs

Ska Keller
Ska Keller
Philippe Lamberts
Philippe Lamberts

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