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EU sanctions against Russia

EU aims to defend Ukraine’s right of self-determination with non-military means

Commenting on the approval by the EU of further sanctions against Russia, Greens/EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said:

„With the adoption of targeted economic sanctions against Russia, the EU is reacting to the escalation of violence in Eastern Ukraine. The EU Heads of state and governments must act in a united way in this crisis. The aim is to protect Ukraine’s right of self-determination, and this is the signal sent to Vladimir Putin. But economic sanctions will only work efficiently if the common position of the EU is not undermined by individual member states. The tragic end of flight MH17 has shown Europeans quite plainly that in the face of the military escalation, business as usual with Russia is not possible.

We welcome that EU member states finally committed to stop arms exports to Russia. It is irresponsible of the French to still intend to deliver the Mistral warship. European solidarity should mean that this vessel is taken over for NATO use.

It remains to be seen if the time of tactical manoeuvring really is over and President Putin is seriously willing to contribute to resolve the Ukraine crisis. As the most important precondition for this, the border between Russia and Ukraine must be closed immediately: the arms supply for the self-proclaimed separatists via Russia must cease.”


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Picture of Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow
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© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

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Rebecca Harms
Rebecca Harms

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