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EU counter-terrorism policy

Commission must not serve up re-heated proposals on air passenger data record

EU Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans today indicated the European Commission would be reviewing a stalled legislative proposal on a European air passenger data system (PNR). Commenting on the announcement (1), Green home affairs spokesperson Jan Philipp Albrecht stated:

"The announcement that the Commission will review its proposal for an EU air passenger data surveillance system (PNR) is welcome. It must now properly amend the proposals the proposals to reflect the concerns raised by the European Parliament and take account of the European Court of Justice ruling, and not simply serve up a re-heated version of the original proposal. After the very clear judgement by the European Court of Justice last year, which declared blanket mass surveillance measures as incompatible with EU fundamental rights, home affairs ministers have to understand they cannot simply shove the old PNR proposal down the Parliament's throat. We now need a proposal that limits any data collection to individuals under clear suspicion or actual risk and focuses on the speedy exchange of data about suspects.

"The tragic attacks in Paris have again underlined the ineffectiveness of blanket mass data retention. Instead of expanding the dragnet, security authorities should have had the means and resources to focus on specific risks and concrete suspicions, to follow any leads immediately, and to efficiently exchange information about dangerous individuals. This must be the focus of any new measures. The old proposal for an EU passenger data system is the opposite of what is needed now."

(1) Vice-president Timmermans made the statement at a press briefing, with the initiative confirmed in the EU Parliament's civil liberties committee today: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2015-01-21/eu-to-push-for-swift-action-on-air-passenger-terror-law.html


© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

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Jan Philipp Albrecht
Jan Philipp Albrecht

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