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Press release |

Calls for bolder and urgent climate action

Press Release from EFA MEP Aileen McLeod

The European Parliament today voted to declare a climate and environmental emergency in Europe.

There were calls for the EU to take the necessary action in cutting greenhouse gasses in order to achieve climate neutrality.

The European Parliament resolution was supported by SNP MEP Aileen McLeod. But whilst supporting the resolution, the MEP insisted that words had to lead to action, calling for the EU to commit to 'bolder and urgent climate action'.

The incoming European Commission has promised a climate law and green deal, and there were calls for these to recognise the 'urgency and scale' of today's climate emergency.

This declaration of a climate emergency by the European Parliament comes ahead of the forthcoming COP25 UN Climate Change Conference which begins in Madrid next week.

Speaking in the European Parliament this week, Aileen McLeod MEP said:

"Coming from Scotland, which has already declared a climate emergency, I support calls for this Parliament to declare a climate and environmental emergency in Europe.

"But in doing so, it is absolutely essential that we commit to taking bolder and urgent climate action in response to the deteriorating situation.

"We must send a strong message to our citizens and to the rest of the world that Europe will lead and will implement effective policies and actions to meet the 1.5°C target.

"I would urge the Commission to ensure that its plans for a new European climate law and a green deal recognise the urgency and scale of the climate emergency that we face, and have at their heart the wellbeing of people and planet, because we must also ensure that the transition to net zero is just and fair and leaves no one behind.

"We need all countries across the EU and beyond to step up to the plate and to come to Glasgow next year with serious climate commitments."


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Aileen McLeod
Aileen McLeod

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