© Ayse Nazli Deliormanli
Event |

Language Diversity

A Challenge for Europe

A public meeting hosted by the European Free Alliance in the European Parliament PROGRAMME

Thursday 4 March 2010 9:30-13:00 & 15:00-17:00




Welcome Speech: Jill Evans MEP

Part 1 - Languages without a State: multilingualism policy in the European Institutions

Chair: Oriol Junqueras MEP

  • Spanish presidency representative

  • Commission representative

  • Kolja Bienert spokesperson of the association Horitzo.eu.
    "Monitoring the Agreement between the Spanish government and the EU institutions about the use of Catalan."

  • Bernat Joan former EFA MEP, specialist in sociolinguistics.
    "Technical and political problems concerning the use of languages in the European Parliament"

30' Debate


 Coffee Break / (Press Point, time for media interviews)

11:30 –13:00 

Part 2 - Minority Languages in their Member States

Chair: François Alfonsi MEP

  • Davyth Hicks Chief Officer for the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages "EBLUL, the Intergroup, the EU and linguistic rights "

  • David Grosclaude Former Director of the Institute of Occitan studies.
    "Situation of minority languages in Europe and in France"

  • Alain Di Meglio Professor of Corsican language and researcher in the field of linguistics. "Corsican: situation and current debates"

  • Alex Riemersma
    "European language policies and the development of Frisian (1980-2010)"

  • Cefin Cambell Managing Director of Sbectrwm language consultancy
    "Making Diversity Work - the Welsh Experience"

  • Meirion Prys Jones Chair for Network to Promote Language Diversity

30' Debate


Lunch // Lunch hosted for media, speakers and MEPs


Part 3 - Protecting linguistic diversity against oppressions

Chair: Tatyana Zdanoka MEP

  • Bill Bowring professor Birkbeck College University of London.
    "Missed opportunities? Linguistic diversity, EU enlargement conditionality, and minority languages in accession states".

  • Vadim Poleshchuk Legal analyst of the Legal Information Centre for Human Rights in Estonia
    "Russian-speaking population in Estonia and Latvia"

  • Dirk Rochtus Professor Lessius University College in Antwerp.
    "German minority in the Czech Republic and the Hungarian minority in Slovakia"

  • Maria Pilar García Negro Representant of the platform "Queremos Galego "Galician language: proves and needs".

30' Debate


Closing Remarks: Oriol Junqueras MEP

followed by Cultural Event & Reception

LAN(D)GUAGE: Cultural performance featuring Maria Mercè Marçal (Catalonia), Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao (Galicia) and Joseba Sarrionandia Uribelarreaare (Basque Country).
Three languages, three views, three realities.


Simultaneous translation will be available in Catalan, Welsh, French, English, Dutch, Spanish
Further information and registration:
Office of MEP François Alfonsi


Policy Paper
© lilly3
Green jigsaw
© Udo Weber
Greening the streets  © Udo Weber

Responsible MEPs

Jill Evans
Jill Evans

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