Greens-EFA Seminar Public Procurement
The purpose of this Seminar is to discuss the Commission's proposals on the revision of the Public Procurement Directives, and on the Concessions' Directive. These EU legislation proposals are very important and politically sensitive. 8 Committees will do an Opinion (TRAN, REGI, EMPL, ITRE, JURI, INTA, ENVI and LIBE) and therefore it is necessary to coordinate the Greens/EFA input.
Invited experts: Janet Pritchard (Client Earth), Elba Estrada (FTAO) and Peter Defranceschi (ICLEI), Mathias Sylwan (lawyer, se).
The provisional agenda of the Seminar is:
15h00 Introduction by Heide RÜHLE (IMCO Greens/EFA shadow person)
15h05 The Public Procurement Directives
Presentation, input from experts and general discussion, with a particular focus on: simplification of procedures, access of SME's, sustainability (including social clauses), innovation, public-public cooperation, subcontracting, thresholds, independent regulatory body